Take My Hand

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It's been a whirlwind since Willow got married and they found out baby number 2o was on the way

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It's been a whirlwind since Willow got married and they found out baby number 2o was on the way. They also found out Laura, Lilly's mom had cancer stage four and Lilly was devastated. She's been helping her dad on top of taking care of her family. Chase was her biggest concern. His being  tired lately and having  little to no energy and she noticed he had lost weight was bothering her.

Chase flew them to Charlotte as they both had to be there the next day. That took everything in him. The next morning Lilly woke up and tried to make breakfast for them hoping it would give him some energy. She felt arms snake around her and kisses pepper her neck.

"Hey  baby. I love you I hope you know that and never doubt it." Chase says.

"I don't baby,  I love you too. Are you okay though? I am so worried about you." Lilly  asks.

"I am fine baby, just old and tired. I can't bounce back like I used to." Chase says.

Lilly  turned to face him. He looked like he had lost some more weight. Lilly  was concerned.

"Are you sure Chase. You have been drained a lot lately. And not having an appetite." Lilly says.

"I am fine baby. Nothing a little rest cant cure. Hmm and maybe the touch of your hand." Chase says kissing her softly.

"Okay." Lilly  says.

"Don't worry baby, the stress isn't good for him or her." Chase says.

"I know. I have to get to the shop. I have a lot to do." Lilly says.

She makes a mental note to keep an eye on him.

"You go to the shop baby, ima zoom in. I'll stay home with the kids and do education." Chase says.

Lilly  kisses him. Before she left she did make Chase his favorite breakfast.

"Chase baby I made breakfast. Cake batter waffles." Lilly says.

"I am not hungry baby." Chase replies.

"Well I'll put it in the microwave for later okay?" Lilly  asks.

"Okay baby." Chase says.

Lilly   heads to the car and then head to the HMS  shop. She was in her office. A few seconds later there was a knock at the door. Kyle was standing there.

"Hey Kyle." Lilly  says.

"Hey Lil, look I know we have had our moments and everything and I'll admit I've been a dick. But is Chase okay? I am worried about him." Kyle says.

"What do you mean?" Lilly asks.

"I've noticed he's been tired and even more cranky than usual." Kyle says.

"Anything else?" Lilly asks.

"The other day during a meeting I had to wake him up multiple times. Also Alex bought doughnuts and made sure he got one of the ones Chase likes. Chase said he wasn't hungry and turned him nose up at it." Kyle says.

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