Begin Again

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The next morning Lilly woke up to the bed empty. Lilly looks around and that was when Chase walked through the door with no clothes on and a tray of food.

"Something smells amazing." Lilly says licking her lips but not from the smell but from the sight before her.

"I made all your favorites." Chase says.

Lilly took the tray from him. She sat it beside her. Thankfully Napa or Bella weren't there so they didn't have to keep it high. Lilly then kneels up on the bed.

"I am starving but not for breakfast, I want my desert." Lilly says.

"Is that so?" Chase asks.

"Mmm hmm. But before we get to that part. Can you light a fire." Lilly asks.

"Lil babe it's the middle of July it's hotter than a sauna out there why on earth would you want me to light a fire. I mean if you are cold, I can turn the AC down and then warm you with my body heat." Chase replies.

"Chase just light the damn fire." Lilly says giving him a look.

"Okay okay." Chase says putting his hands up.

He goes and walks over to the fireplace and lights the fire. Lilly gets up and grabs the divorce papers out of her bag.

"I don't think we will be needing these." Lilly says.

"What are those?" Chase asks.

"Divorce papers I was going to give them to you myself at the wedding." Lilly says looking down in shame.

"You wanted a divorce?" Chase asks voice breaking.

"I did before the wedding but now I don't.    I blamed you for Nathan's death and that just wasn't fair.    It was a fluke accident." Lilly says.

"It was but if it wasn't for me he wouldn't even have been in they go kart." Chase says.

"No Chase no, don't blame yourself.    Nathan was in that go kart cus he wanted to be.    You never forced racing on any of the kids.    And you always had the rule if they weren't passionate about it they didn't have to race.    Nathan wanted to follow in your footsteps and loved it.     I'm glad you got to get those moments with him." Lilly says rubbing his back.

"Ben and Erin entrusted me with their son and I failed them." Chase says looking down.

"Hey baby, don't." Lilly says.

"You had every right to blame me Lil. It was my fault. I killed both our Nathans." Chase says.

He snatched the papers out of her hand and goes over to the dresser. He grabs the pen and signs them.

"Chase what are you doing?" Lilly asks.

"There the papers are signed. You sign them and file them. After you sign file them." Chase says.

"You want to divorce me?" Lilly asks.

"No but I want to free you! You and the kids get as far from me as possible." Chase says.

Lilly grabs the papers off the dresser.

"Fuck these papers, I should have never had them drawn up." Lilly says tossing them in the fire.

"Lill why did you do that?" Chase asks.

"Cus I want to stay married to you. I am in this for the long haul baby." Lilly says.

"Lil." Chase starts.

"Don't Lil me Chase. I might have been hurting and grieving when I had them drawn up. But now I see clearly again. You are my everything Chase, my sun my moon, and my stars." Lilly says.

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