Sweet Nothing

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Sweet Nothing

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Sweet Nothing

It's been about a week since coming home from Paris and Lilly and the kids were getting over being jet lagged. They were now in Indianapolis for the Brickyard 400. Chase was having a heck of a weekend. He got the pole for the race.

It was hot as hell out. Lilly was thankful that her mom was with them. She was staying at the coach with the little ones as Lilly didn't want them out in the sun. She did bring them down for the anthem and flyover so they could all stand together with Chase as a family.

Chase got into the car and after good luck kisses all around. Finally the race started. Chase went on to win. Lilly did what she needed for Alex and then bee lined it to VL. Her mom bought the kids down to celebrate with daddy.

A few minutes later Chase  pulled into Vl.     He gets out and collapses.

"Chase!" "Lilly  screams.

"Okay, just hot." Chase says.

Lilly  crawled over to him and helped him out out of his fire suit.       Allan got him a water.   

"Are you okay?" Lilly asks.

"Yes just hot." Chase says.

Lilly  sits beside him.    She had gotten ice out of the cooler and wrapped it in a towel putting it on his neck.   Finally he cooled down enough that he was able to celebrate the win.      He did some media but was able to put most off till tomorrow via zoom.

Finally he was able to go home.     They headed to the airfield and they  helped him inside.   Once everyone  were all inside Bill took off. Alex, Ashley and Lil Alex along with Ryan and Gianna and their lil girl Ariel were along for the ride.

"I'll keep the kids  at my house tonight and you can rest and Lilly can focus on you." Laura  says.

"You sure?" Chase asks.

"Yes I am sure. You need rest and besides I love spending time with my grand babies." Laura replies.

"Thanks Mom." Lilly  says.

"It's what grandmoms do!" Laura  says.

The kids were pretty excited.      They finally land in Dawsonville. They arrive back at the houses. Laura  takes the kids to her house.     Alex and Ashley and Ryan and Gianna head to the guest house. They would celebrate Chase's big win the next day as long as he was feeling better.

"I'll get the trophy tomorrow I am just not up to carrying it tonight." Chase says.

"That's fine." Lilly  says.

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