Our Song

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"Lilly baby what do you mean?" Chase asks

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"Lilly baby what do you mean?" Chase asks.

"I don't know who you are!" Lilly says through tears.

"I am your husband, Chase." Chase says.

"No no no I am not married.   Why are you doing this to me.    Wasn't loosing Nathan enough.   You chose Alisha." Lilly says.

"Lilly what are you talking about?   I didn't choose Alisha.   I chose you." Chase says.

"What's going on in here?" Ryan asks coming into the room.

"Chase is playing some kind of sick game.    He keeps insisting we are married.    We aren't.      He chose Alisha." Lilly says sobbing.

"Lil, hey it's okay.    Can't you tell me what year it is?" Ryan asks.

"2016." Lilly says.

"Chase bud, take a step out of the room and go get the doctor." Ryan says.

"Okay." Chase says.

Chase left the room.

"What's wrong?" Lilly asks.

"It's okay Lil, what I need for you to do is calm down". Ryan says.

"Okay." Lilly says.

Ryan went through a few breathing exercises with her and finally she was calm.

"Do you remember being in a car accident?" Ryan asks.

"Yes I was running away from Chase after telling him about Nathan.    I got into a car accident he came back here and then we fought because he wouldn't leave Alisha to be with me and our son.     I lost him a few days later." Lilly says.

"Lil I know you are confused and scared but look at me, do you trust me?" Ryan asks.

"Yes I do.   I always have." Lilly says.

"Remember when Chase and I came to Ireland?" Ryan asks.

"No." Lilly says.

"We did baby, I flew half way across the world to tell you that I love you.    Because I choose you, Lilly Bean, I will choose you over and over over." Chase says softly.

He took her hand and put it up to his lips kissing it.

"Chase? " Lilly asks looking up at him locking eyes.

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