When you tell your friends at school- cole

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You sat at the lunch table, playing with your bracelet. Y/e/n sits across from you and notices your bracelet. "Pretty bracelet! Where did you get it?"

"Oh thanks. A friend gave it to me."
"A guy?"
"Yeah. It turns out we have a lot in common. We both like f/f, and rock, and hes my trainers son." you explained, taking a bite out of your cake.
"That Brookstone guy who does that music class you take? He has a son?"

"Yeah and hes a ninja,"
"Ok now i know youre pulling my leg," she hissed before leaving you at the table alone. You just thought in silence about how much you missed cole, and how much you needed him. You jumped when two hands grabbed your plate and asked from behind, "are you gonna eat that?"

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