Kidnapped!- zane

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You sat in the driveway of the monestary, waiting for the ninja to come home. You did this mostly everyday, and the sad thing was they didnt come until late at night. Sometimes they wouldnt come until 3 in the morning. It would get you exhausted, but you still sat there anyways. Soon getting bored, you pulled some origami paper out of your bag, and started to practice cranes, roses, and ninja stars. Picking up a rose, you smiled, remembering the first time zane showed you how to make the origami flower.

"Now y/n, not everything is perfect, its going to take practice-"
"But mone looks hideous. Dont lie to me."
"Y/n, this flower is as beautiful as you-"
"Stop saying tha-" zane had locked his lips with yours, shutting you up...

A few hours later,  you saw some figures heading up the driveway, and you smiled, putting away all of your creations. . But when they got closer, you realized they werent the guys. You grabbed the sword out of the scabbard hooked to your back, lowering your stance. You froze when two metal hands rested on your shoulders, and they snatched your sword out of your hand. "No no no, we cant have you destroying my- i mean our army."

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