Puzzle Pieces

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You guys are fablouis.♥

Jk, this chapter isn't intimate..

It's short.


As his lips hit mine I cringe. It's been months since he had last kissed me.

I fighted my urge and pulled back.

"That didn't happen." I say.

He nods and I slowly lay down beside him taking in what just happened.

He had just kissed me. It was perfect. The taste of his lips left me wanting more.

But having more would be toxic.

I just craved him.

He just gets so mad, so fast. It's like it's a different person. It's not Harry when he's mad.

His eyes turned black for christ sake!

I slowly drifted to sleep with the taste of his lips on mine.


It was the anger from not being able to save Kate.

It finally clicked.

It his feelings bottled up.

Everytime someone would be physically or mentally hurt- even himself, he would feel the intense anger come on.

The puzzle pieces finally fit.

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