Take Me There

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I'm frozen in my position.

What. Do. I. Do.

He motions for me to open the window, and I'm still frozen.

In a flash I'm running through my door and downstairs, I practiclly fly through the door.

My feet his the asphalt road harshly as I sprint down the road.

Where was I even going?

My mind didn't even trigger that there really wasn't anywhere to go.

Glancing behind me, no one was following.

As I slowed down, and began to regain my breath.

No one was following?

Did I imagine it?

I couldn't have.

It was so vivid-

"Looking for me?"

The hairs on the back of my neck raise immediately at the sound of his cold voice behind me.

I can feel his lips on my ear, "It's very easy Charlotte."

I clench my eyes shut as his voice, gulping back the fear as he slowly takes my hair between his fingers pulling it over my shoulder.

"Join us."


"After all. Harry never did care for you. He just thought of you as his toy. That's all, he only wanted to get in your pants. And besides that, he treated you like a piece of shit."

My eyes fly open, as I stare infront of me. The dull streetlight reflecting off the pavement slightly.

"Am I right?" He whispers, in a somewhat calm voice.

"He never even loved you, he didn't even care." I abruptly cut him off, "Your wrong."

"We both know I'm not."


No. No. No.

"He just was using you to get back at Taylor, you know that. Right?"

"Get back at Taylor?" I ask softly.

"Well, yeah. You couldn't tell? He was texting her the entire time, and begging for her to come back."

My mind tries to process it.

"He didn't tell you that you were the prop? I thought he did."

I bite down on my bottom lip softly,

"He didn't care about your feelings Charlotte." He addresses quietly.

I then around to face him.


A smirk approachs his lips, "Are you ready?"

I nod, and follow him back down the road.

We get to my house, and we walk to his Hummer, and I get into the backseat.

Seeing Austin's kind eyes in the darkness. He pulls me into his arms as the door shuts behind me.

I slowly pressed my face into his warm chest, as he wrapped half of his jacket around me.

This was a good way to get back at Harry. And if he had been lying to me the whole time, maybe he lied about everything just like Aiden had said. Maybe he lied about Kate.

His feelings towards me even.

Maybe he did really just use me to get back at Taylor.

At the moment I really didn't know who to believe.

I was just cold, scared, and shocked.

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