part 2 // two words

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We made our way onto the highway getting lost in confusing four lane traffic.

The roads were slippery, which just made everything worse.

Laughing, Harry drove across the road in a psychotic way, trying to find the lane he was supposed to be in. It was actually quite sick, the fact that we found the idea of possibly wrecking funny. But we did.

His bad driving was followed by angry voices and middle fingers that were luckily- blocked out by the tinted glass. Because I wasn't very good at reading lips, but by the looks of it, they weren't very nice.

"How did you get your drivers license?"

"The teacher was pretty fond of me." He said cockily, finally adjusting the crowded, icy surroundings.

We erupted in laughter again, and I knew that by saying his teacher was fond of him, meant that she found him attractive.

But then again, who didn't find Harry attractive? I asked myself, glancing over to the drivers seat.

His dark hair was messily scattered across his forehead, in a cute little bed head style. Bangs sheltered his eyes that I knew where large slits of a deep green color, lined by thick eyelashes.

I watched him run his tongue over his thick lips as his large hands, adorned with slim, ringed fingers gripped against the steering wheel. Seemingly getting lost in him, well not even him altogether.

The thought of him too.

New York, New York

"So, what was with you?" Harry asked, as we stared out at the skyline.

My eyes darted from the blurry skyline (from rain and sleet around us) to him. "Hm?"

"What triggered you running to the bathroom, really Charlotte, I know it wasn't morning sickness."

"No reason really, just - a bit uneasy, you know. Jet lag kicking in and all."

He laughed lightly, and I could feel his eyes on me. "Char,"

I took my bottom lip underneath my teeth, "Hm?" I said, repeating my previous action.

"You can talk to me." He assured me, softly.

But could I really? We all knew how that had played out the last time, and I didn't need a repeat. So, I kept quiet.

His hand moved towards mine, and he touched his fingertips softly to the back of my wrist, not saying anything.

As badly as I wanted to pull away, I couldn't. And as badly as I wanted to keep quiet, I couldn't.

"I don't think that we are a very good.."

My words drifted off, and his fingertips traced along my arm in a quick, smooth fashion, making goosebumps rise over my pale skin.


His eyes were quick to meet mine, "What do you mean?"

"We just don't blend well together Harry."

His eyebrows raised as he tugged the corners of his lips into a smile. "Blend well?"

"We don't blend well?"

"How can you say that, after everything. Everything we've been through?" He asked, his eyes getting wet. Looking glassy like a child's dolls eyes would.

I interrupted him, "Harry, it's not that I don't love you."

"Because I do."

As tourists roamed around us, with cameras and tacky t-shirts that adorned the words I Love NYC in large black letters, I could feel Harry's eyes boring into me, and everything around us kind of - as tacky as it sounds,


"So, you do."

I knew what he was talking about, but I plastered a blank expression onto my face and stared back at him emptily.

I'd said I love you to Harry before, a lot actually. But something about him asking me this made me it so often lately put me a bit on edge.

But yet again, saying I love you was very different from feeling it, and knowing it.

I felt it, yes.

Did I really know it, was I really sure I loved him?


Love, love, love, love, love.

The word, it just rolled of your lips like honey. So sweet, so tempting, and it felt so nice, but you knew it was bad.

When without thinking I blurted it out, staring at the building in front of me, "I love you."

It was quiet as we both stared forward.

Then, His fingers grasped a thin strand of my hair and held it between his fingers for a few seconds before tucking it behind my ear.

"I didn't know whether it was loose or should be tucked back,"

I laughed, but it came out more like a blow of air as his hand fit against my cheek, as his pointer finger played with my bottom lip.

His unblinking eyes rested on mine, and I could feel myself falling into waves of green.

I could feel my heart picking up as his lips came closer to mine, hovering inched away, close enough to feel his warmth and smell the combination of minty gum and smoke.

He smiled down at me, so he must've felt my heartbeat. "You still get nervous kissing me baby?"

I didn't reply, and I didn't want to.Because the truth was, yes, I did.

His lips touched mine and I felt bliss taking over my body from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes.

After he pulled away I could still feel the taste of his lips on my own.

I could feel his cool breath fanning across my ear as he whispered two words in a voice barley audible.

Two words

"Marry me,"

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