Part 2; Past

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I'm kinda disappointed in some of you guys. I mean I do my best to update and leave cliffhangers, but then I try to advertise my new book because Lust is coming to a close and suddenly I have 20 inboxes a day of, "you wasted your 100th chapter," or "this new book wont be good as lust your just wasting your time," like goodness, I wanna write something else besides Lust for a change, okay? 🙈


Charlotte's POV:

A gunshot was heard behind me, and my neck flew back just like everyone else's did,

And directly in front of my view, lie a small girl. Her hair was in two braids, as her frantic mother scrambled onto her knees. Popcorn was scattered across her body and she seemed to be choking just as she had gotten shot.

Before I even knew I was doing it, my feet moved from underneath me as I ran next to her,

I knelt over her body seeing that the person who appeared to be her mom was already talking to 911.

I moved beside the young girls body and began pressing into her chest at a steady pace, delivering occasional breaths -

"Charlotte, lets go," Harry began, but I stayed focused. "Charlotte, we need to go, come on!"

The chatter in the crowd was intense as people gathered around us, but Harry was the loudest. "Charlotte! Now!"

I looked back momentarily to tell him to shut up, and he grasped onto the thin part of my wrist. "Harry, let go!"

"We need to go," he said, quite calm for being in the situation we were in. I pulled back, "Let go!" I continued, but as I looked back someone else had already taken my spot.

I got shoved forward, and my knees went into asphalt. I clenched together my teeth in pain as Harry lifted me up from the ground.

After I was back on my feet, I didn't even have time to adjust before Harry whisked me into the airport.

Everything went so fast as we boarded the plane, only moments before it took off, but as soon as we were aloud to move around on the plane I was gone.

I didn't want to see him, or even talk to him.

I mean, that girl was choking and got hit with a fucking bullet! But all he cared about was missing our stupid plane?

I vanished into the small bathroom, and clicked the lock,

Was making a plane on time as valuable as life to him? Once that thought popped up, the thought of my life being in his hands made me uncomfortable..

Jesus. He just made me so mad when he does stuff like that! -

The door knob began to shake, catching my train of thought,

I pressed the lock, and the door pushed back at me revealing Harry. I sent him a glare, and pushed through him just as he caught my wrist like he just had in front of the airport,

"Stay," I looked from his large hand, up to his eyes before pulling myself back into the dainty bathroom.

Once he closed the door, our bodies were almost touching since the walls around us were so close, and seemingly getting tighter!

"What?" I asked, "what's wrong?" he replied, almost immediately after I stopped speaking.

"I don't know Harry, what is wrong?"
I snapped, "..about the fucking girl? He asked, his eyes squinting.

"Yes, about the fucking girl!", "The fucking girl who got shot!" I shouted.

He sighed, "I'm sure she's fine Charlotte-"

"But what if she's not?"

"What if just because you had to make sure we didn't miss our plane, she wasn't fine.", "Charlotte,"

"What if she died?" I asked, he replied with a subtle shake of the head. "She didn't, okay?"

I grumbled and tried to push past him, but he caught me again. "Why are you leaving?", "and why do you care so much about what happened, you don't even know her," he paused, "I've lived through more bullets than she -"

"I'm sick of you being so fucking anal about things!" I shouted, "Not everything is about you!"

"And what the hell do you mean by that?", "your so caught up in your own little fucked up life that you don't pay attention to any one else's!"

"Well their lives don't matter to me as much as yours does!", "I'm sorry, but that's how it's going to be, and your not changing it!"

I watched his darkening eyes as a few seconds of silence filled the small room.

As our eyes stared into each other I could feel tears welling within my own,

"And why do you care about me so much all of a sudden?"

"All of a sudden?"

His arms fit on either side of me on the sink counter top, which I followed by a slow nod.

"What the fuck do you mean?

"Don't you remember when you were with Taylor?" he sighed, "don't bring up the past Charlotte, it's called the past because that's where it stays."

"and why shouldn't I be able to bring it up?", he seemed flustered and in a loss for words.

"How about I being up Niall?" he asked, his head cocking to the side.

"Bring him up whenever you want, see how much I care," I shot back just as harsh as he was.

"How do you think it makes me feel seeing you with another guy?" he asked, his eyes turning almost completely black as they did when he got angry,

"I don't care,"

"Because I didn't kiss him, and I didn't have sex with him repeatedly right in front of your face, now did I?" I snapped.

He was quick on the reply, "you didn't," "but I saw how you looked at him when you spoke, and I saw how you touched him,"

"And you never do that to me,"

I took his wrists and pushed them down to his side, making a point to meet his eyes, "How's this?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, anger still strong in my voice.

He nodded in approval as his tongue ran over his teeth, he leaned down to my ear before speaking,

"You know every time I was fucking her, I was thinking about you,"

"I was thinking about your body, and the way you would scream my name, how tight you were when I would first get in you,"

I stiffened my jaw, and lowered my head as he pulled back from me.

"Fuck you," I said, in a hushed tone. "Well, that is the plan.."

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