Chapter 18- Good Bye

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"We should go to the CDC." Rick insisted, glaring at Shane.

Shane shook his head angrily. "What if there's nothing there? We might run out of gas before we even get there."

I agreed with Rick, heading to the CDC would mean we could learn more about this disease. "Rick's right, we shouldn't stay here. Another herd could come through anytime now."

Shane scowled at me. "Why don't you run along and let the big boys talk." He said in a mocking voice.

I raised my eyebrow and put my hands on my hips. "How old do you think I am Shane?"

He smirked. "Not old enough to ride the big kid rides at the park."

I stared at Shane for a moment. Anger rushed through my body and I lunged at him. I tackled him to the ground and punched him in the jaw.

He didn't even try to fight back. "Aren't you gonna fight back?!" I shouted, slamming my fist into his face again.

"I don't hit little girls." He coughed out. I continued to abuse Shane for a minute until strong arms wrapped around my stomach. I was lifted off of Shane easily and dragged over to the side.

"That's enough." Jason whispered softly into my ear. I struggled to get free but Jason was too strong.

I sighed and gave up. He put me down and Rick helped Shane to his feet, his jaw was swollen and bloody.

Taylor and Lori quickly came to my side, they pulled me away from the group and down near the tents.

"The nerve he has. I could kick his ass." I growled angrily, Lori just patted my shoulder.

Taylor stood in front of me, an irritated look on her face. "Stop, you're better than that. You never used to let bullies get to you."

I sighed and kicked my feet in the dirt. "Shane just bugs the shit out of me." I mumbled under my breath.

Lori stood beside Taylor, a sad look on her face. "We've never seen him like this. He's never been that rude."

I nodded and continued to listen to Lori and Taylor. They were trying to help, make me feel better. But I didn't want them to help me, I could handle myself.

After a while Lori noticed I wasn't really paying attention and the pair quietly lead me back to camp.

Taylor continued to blabber on, she never really was good at comforting people. She kept talking about how good she was going to get with a gun since she couldn't use her bow anymore. I tried to be supportive and agree with her but it was hard, I wanted to leave the group, mostly because of Shane.

I couldn't loose anyone else, It was too hard. If I grew to love these people they would surely die.

We walked back to where Rick and Shane were arguing. Everyone stood in a circle, their bags on their backs.

"We're going to the CDC." Rick said calmly.

I smirked at Shane and he glared daggers at me.

Morales and his family stepped up. "We're not going."

I looked at him in surprise, along with everyone else in the group.

"We have family in Birmingham, we want to be with our people." Morales's wife said.

Shane put his hands on his hips. "You know theres gonna be no one to watch your back."

Morales nodded his head. "We know."

I walked over to the family, disappointed in their decision. I hugged the two children first, I didn't know them very well, but they were so cute and innocent, I would surely miss them. I stood up and hugged Morales's wife. She was sweet and always did the cooking, she was just like her children. Lastly I looked to Morales. I hugged him sadly, I had grown to like Morales. He was a good man. "Good-bye Morales."

He smiled at me sadly, "Good-bye Mariah."

I stepped back, standing beside Taylor. Everyone said their good-byes and I walked over to the orange tent. I quickly packed my stuff up and looked around.

Daryl's stuff was all over the tent. I didn't want to leave it like that so I quickly packed his belongings up.

I threw the bags over my shoulders and walked towards Daryl. He was casually leaning against the RV, cleaning his arrows.

I threw his bag to him, he caught it with one hand easily. "Thanks." He mumbled, I nodded and walked over to Rick.

"So who rides with who?" I asked.

"Don't worry your not riding with Shane." He mumbled under his breath.

I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. "So who am I with?" Rick looked down at a piece of paper and pointed to a grayish, blue pickup truck.

I nodded and walked over. I dumped my bag into the back part and saw a nice looking motorcycle.

I shrugged and got into the pickup. I waited for a moment then I looked over to see Daryl climbing in.

I was a little surprised, I thought I'd be paired up with T-Dog or Glenn, we get along better but I guess Rick knows what he's doing.

"You're ridin' with me?" He questioned, and started up the truck.

"No, I thought I'd walk." I taunted.

He scowled at my response and I laughed. "Come on Dixon, let's get going."

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now