Chapter 24- A Struggle

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I smiled like an idiot, as I walk down the hallway. Daryl Dixon likes me. I just kept playing the words over in my head.

'Same'. I felt butterflies, I felt alive, I felt hope. I walked down the hallway down to the recreation room. As I approached the room I heard weird noises, the sound of a struggle and muffled cries. I ran back to my room and grabbed Daryl's hunting knife that was laying on a table.

I ran back down the hallway, full-speed. I got to the end of the room and shut the door behind me. Shane stood over Lori, trying to either rape or kill her, I couldn't tell. She scratched his face, and he let out a angry grunt. I ran over and held the knife to Shane's throat, making him freeze instantly.

"Get the hell off her, or I'll slit your throat."

Shane let out a chuckle. "You wouldn't have the guts."

I cocked my head to the side and pulled the knife closer to his neck, making him cringe. "Wanna test that theory?" I questioned.

Shane sighed and dropped his hands. I stepped back and dropped the knife. I pointed to the door and he scowled at me.

"GO!" I shouted.

He snorted and turned around, he headed for the door and slipped through. He slammed it shut behind him and I walked over to lock it. I walked over to Lori, who was sitting in a daze on the couch. "Do you want to talk about it?"

She looked ip at me, her eyes wet from tears. She nodded and I took her hand. "It's Shane.."

I nodded, knowing Shane did something. I waited for Lori to continue. "We had a relationship. Shane told me Rick died, and I needed to feel something, anything. When Rick came back, I dropped Shane. I told him I wanted him out of my life, he refused to listen."

I really didn't like cheaters. I had found that out through my old boyfriend. He cheated on me, and broke my heart. I've never loved anyone like that since.

I looked down at the floor, searching for sympathy in my heart. "Do you want me to ask him to leave you alone?" I asked, my eyes flickered back to hers.

She looked unsure, like she was afraid I was going to get hurt. "He won't touch me, Lori."

She nodded slowly, her eyes staying low. "Just be careful okay and you can't tell Rick.. I need to tell him when the times right."

I stood up to go find the bastard. I wasn't going to sit back and watch any more, I needed to tell him to back off.

He needed to leave Lori and Taylor alone.

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