Chapter 101- All My Will-power

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"Rick? Rick! Oh thank god!" Glenn breathed out as we neared the road.

Rick charged forward as Glenn raised his gun and Michonne raised her katana. "Now I know we got a problem here-" Rick started to say.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!" Glenn shouted at us.

"HEY!" Daryl repeatedly called out as Glenn continued to charge at Merle.

Merle backed up into a tree, Rick, Daryl and I surrounded him, protecting him from Michonne and Glenn's advances.

We all bickered for a moment, only Merle, Maggie and I stayed quiet.

Daryl tried to defend his brother as Glenn and Michonne yelled about Merle trying to get them killed.

My head started to pound and I licked my lips. "ENOUGH!" I screamed, trying to stop the bickering.

Lucky for me it worked, before Michonne stepped towards Rick and Glenn shoved a gun close to Daryl's face.

They started to bicker again, Merle yelled from behind me as Daryl raged at Glenn. "Get that thing outta ma face!" Daryl yelled.

Merle broke into laughter and I turned to glare at the man. Did he have no common sense at all?

"Looks like you've gone native man." Merle teased Daryl. Daryl scowled and trudged towards his brother.

"You're no better! Hangin' out with that psycho back there!" Daryl yelled.

The brothers continued to bicker back and fourth while the rest of us pointed weapons at each other.

This was pure madness. "He's a charmer I'll admit that." Merle started.

"Been putting the wood to your friend Andrea I'll tell you that mhm mhm mhm." Merle spat before making grotesque gestures with his tongue and making a supposedly sexual face.

It took all the will power I had to not burst out in laughter at Merle's comments. He was definitely the biggest ass I've ever met but he continued to entertain me.

"Andrea's in Woodbury?" Glenn said in astonishment.

"Ya right next to the govna'." Daryl muttered.

Michonne stepped forward again and Rick pushed her back. "I TOLD YOU TO DROP THAT!" Rick yelled at her.

Michonne stopped and looked at Rick. "You know Andrea?" Rick asked. Michonne's eyes darted around at each of our faces.

Rick repeated his question but Merle had to jump in and answer Rick's question.

"Yup she does. Her and blondie been spendin alllll winter cuddilin' up in the forest. Mhm mhm mhm. Ya my girl here had two pet walkers. No arms and broken jaws. Kept them in chains, kinda ironic when you think about it." Merle commented.

"Shut up bro!" Daryl yelled at his brothers attitude.

Merle continued on his comments, mocking Rick's old uniform since he used the nickname 'sherif'.

"That's enough Merle." I growled, having enough of his 'tasteful' comments.

"YA! shut up!" Daryl shouted again.

"You shut up! You're all just a bunch of pussy-" Merle started.

I was so thankful when Rick used the butt of his gun to knock Merle unconscious.

Merle fell to the ground and we stared at him for a moment. "Asshole." I muttered, we left him on the ground as we walked towards the car to talk.

Michonne leaned up against the car and we stepped further down the road so no one could hear us.

"Now what?" I asked.

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