Chapter 54- A Quick Get away

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"I won't hesitate to kill her! Now who are you?!" He yelled at me.

"I'm Mariah, and this is Beth." I said calmly.

"Keep your hands where I can see them!" He ordered, I bent down to tie my shoe, trying to distract him.

"I said keep them where I can see them!" He shouted at me "Relax, I'm just tying my shoe." I said calmly.

I finished tying my shoe and as I stood up I pulled Daryl's knife out from my boot. I quickly threw it at him, hitting him in the chest. He yelled from pain and Beth jumped away from him. He pulled the gun on Beth but she was faster. She pulled the trigger, ending the man's life.

He fell to the ground, his face lying in a puddle of blood. "Are you okay?" I asked Beth.

She stared at the dead body, then the gun in her hands then the body again. She gave a slight nod and put the gun to her hip.

"I-I-I didn't mean to shoot him, I-I just wanted him to drop-p the gun." She stammered out.

I walked over and put a hand on her shoulder "It's all right Beth, if you didn't shoot him, you would be dead." I said trying to help her.

She nodded and stared at the ground "Let's get out of here." I said pulling her arm. She shook her head and walked to the cafeteria door.

"Theres food and guns. I checked it out before he grabbed me." She said quietly.

"Okay but we have to hurry, there might be other survivors around." I urged.

Beth walked swiftly into the room and I followed after her. We came into what looked to be the kitchen.

A few guns laid on the table, random cans of canned food around it. It was better than a poke in the eye.

I quickly threw the guns into the blue medical bag and I stuffed as many cans as I could into the bag.

"Alright let's get out of here." I said quickly, Beth nodded and we hurried down the hallways.

"HEY! YOU TWO STOP!" I heard a male voice scream from behind us

"RUN!" I shouted at Beth.

We ran out of the hospital and towards the horses. A few gun shots fired and I moved my legs faster.

Beth basically jumped on her horse and I copied her movements. I wasn't as graceful but it worked.

We sped down the road towards the little town, I looked back to see a small group of people standing there, a large man with a weird hat stood in front of the group, cursing at us.

I wiped my forehead of sweat and slowed the horse down, Beth copied. "I can't believe we did it! We made it out alive!" Beth exclaimed.

I laughed and we rode in silence for a while, smiles on our faces from our successful mission. We got to the farm and Beth went up the pathway right away. I didn't want anyone to know where we were so I rode the long way around, checking to see if we were being followed.

Luckily we were safe, I rode up the long pathway up the back and raced the horse to the stables.

I got off quickly and put the horse back where it was suppose to be. I walked towards the camp to hear Allison freaking out at someone.

"SHE'S DYING HERSHEL! WE NEED TO GET HER INSULIN NOW!" She screamed at the old man.

I quickened my pace to see Jason holding a unconscious Tayler. "Oh my gosh, am I too late?!" I yelled at them.

Allison and Hershel stared at me confused but Jason shook his head "We need to get it into her now!" He shouted.

I quickly pulled the bag off my shoulder and dug threw to find a bottle of insulin.

"How many units does she need?" I asked him.

"I don't even know, Hershel?" Jason asked the old man.

Hershel sighed and looked down at Tayler, "When was her last dose?" He asked quickly.

I shook my head "I don't know." I sputtered out.

"Last week." Allison said firmly.

Hershel sighed and took the bottle from me, he dipped a needle into the liquid and filled it.

He handed it to me and I gritted my teeth, I held the needle gently, afraid it would pierce my skin.

Jason noticed me and took the needle away instantly, my hands still shook from the tiny object, paralyzing me with fear. He plunged it into Tayler's arm and she stirred a little bit. I stood up and walked away from the area.

I needed to clear my mind, get rid of the memory that was just created. I walked past the grimes tent and heard Lori and Rick yelling at each other.

Lori must have told him about Shane and the baby. I sighed and walked over to the house. I ran up the stairs and went into the bathroom, I quickly turned on the water to full heat.

I quickly undressed and bathed in the boiling warm water. After a while I felt clean and hot enough that I turned the shower off, instantly feeling regret.

I dried off and threw on a pair of sweat pants and one of Daryl's flannel shirts. I crawled into the bed, and tried to dream, dream about anything beside's needles. The door creaked open and Daryl walked in, yawing and shutting the door behind him.

I ignored him as he noisily got undressed and crawled into bed next to me. He threw an arm over top of me and he must have passed out. He snored loudly in my ear, and I gritted my teeth.

This was going to be a long night.

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