Chapter 119- Burying My Problems

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I stayed behind from the group. For whatever reason I just didn't want to see anymore lives lost even if it was the man responsible for so many problems.

I pulled my knees up to my chest as everyone unpacked their belongings back into their cells.

"Can you take Judith for me? I gotta get unpacked." Beth asked sweetly as she handed me the baby.

I nodded and cradled the tiny human in my arms. Her sweet silent face gave me a comforting feeling as she squirmed to get comfortable.

"Think they'll kill him?" Tayler asked as she sat down next to me. I shrugged and continued to look at Judith.

"It'll be alright Mariah, you know that. They'll come back and we can make this Prison a sanctuary. We can make it a place to raise them." Tayler said pointing to her stomach.

I smiled and looked into Tayler's blue-green eyes. "I'm so sorry." I whimpered as my face started to fall.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused,

"You're hurting because you lost him." I whispered.

She shook her head and stared at Judith "I'm hurting because we're loosing everyone. Yes I'm upset Merle's gone, but I'm used to that pain now." She whispered back.

"You shouldn't have to be." I replied sadly, she gave me a hopeful smile and looked at the ground.

"It's not your fault." She whispered,

"But I should be protecting you." I argued.

She shook her head again and locked eyes with me "You need to protect Victoria. You may not see it but I do. It's been what a day? And that little girl already adores you." She replied.

"She's just outgoing, you can tell." I countered, Tayler laughed.

"We all see it but you don't, that's how it works." Tayler added. I tilted my head and she licked her lips "We all see the connection, you don't."

I still remained in my state of confusion but Tayler stood up and quickly stole Judith from me.

"Go let off some steam, burry Merle or something." She ordered before walking away towards Beth.

I nodded even though she was gone. I walked outside and looked at the body wrapped in a white blanket. I grabbed a shovel and threw it into the back of the truck. I drove into the now empty field thanks to the Governor.

I reached the graves and quickly picked the spot next to Jason. I grabbed the shovel and placed it where I would burry Merle. I dragged Merle's body out of the truck and slowly moved him towards the area.

I set him down and started to work. I shoveled the dirt up onto the side, each time I drove the shovel into the earth I could feel the anger being released.

I shoveled and shoveled until I had a Merle sized hole. I dragged the body into it and picked my shovel up again.

I started to place the dirt over top of the body when I gazed to the horizon and saw a school bus driving towards us, what the hell?

I turned back to my shoveling and kept covering Merle until there was no dirt to put onto of him.

I panted heavily and tossed the shovel to the side. I got back into the truck and drove it back up to the Prison area.

I got out and survived the people pilling off the bus. Most of them were women and children and I looked at Rick in surprise.

"Who are they?" Carl asked angirly, I looked to the boy curiously and Rick smiled at his son.

"Woodbury citizens. They're gonna be joining us." He replied happily. A small smile swept across my face at the sight of new people, even though I had a bad feeling deep inside.

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