Chapter 51- Recovery

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I sat down beside his limp body. I laid his head in my lap and examined his head. The bullet just grazed his temple, thank god. "Daryl?" I managed to say.

"Don't worry 'bout me, I'm gonna be just fine." He mumbled before passing out.

Even though I knew he would be alright, I couldn't help but cry. Tears streamed down my face as I wiped the blood from his temple off.

"Is he dead?!" Rick shouted at me, I shook my head

"He's alright.. he just blacked out." I said quietly.

"We have to get him inside, it'll be dark soon." Ryan commanded. I nodded and Ryan, Rick and Glenn started to carry him back to the house.

I walked silently behind them, wiping the tears away from my eyes. Andrea came sprinting towards us.

"Please don't be dead!" She shouted.

"He's okay." I said to her. She sighed from relief and shifted her weight back and fourth anxiously.

"I'm so sorry, I thought he was a walker." She said quickly.

I sighed "It's okay Andrea, he's still alive that's all that matters." I said.

She nodded and we got to the house. The guys carried him inside up to our room and Hershel came out on the porch.

"What happened?" He asked me, irritation and concern filling his voice.

"Andrea accidentally shot Daryl, the bullet missed him but it grazed his temple." I explained.

Hershel nodded and stared at me coldly. "Where's my horse?" He asked, more irritation filling his voice.

I looked down at the ground and Hershel walked closer to me "Where is my horse?" He repeated.

I looked up and stared into his eyes "The horse got spoked by a snake, it threw us off and ran away. I'm sorry Hershel." I said sadly.

He sighed sadly. "Why didn't you ask?" He questioned me.

"Because I didn't think we were going to get thrown off the horse." I admitted.

He pursed his lips and walked towards the house. "Let's go check on Daryl." He shouted from over his shoulder.

I trudged after him, hurrying towards the house. We got inside and the guys were just getting down the stairs. Hershel went up quickly and I remembered something.

"Rick! I have to show you something!" I said quickly.

He raised an eyebrow and I turned and left. I raced out to the field and found the spot where Daryl fell. Sophia's doll laid untouched in the grass and I bent down to pick it up. I sprinted back to the house and showed Rick the doll.
"Look!" I exclaimed between breaths.

He took the doll and his eyes widened "Her doll, we're getting close." He said confidently.

I turned to walk up the stairs but Rick laid a hand on my shoulder. "What happened to you out there?"

I frowned in confusion and Rick tugged Daryl's ear neckless out from his pocket.

I shook my head and looked to the ground. "I don't even know. He was hallucinating when we got thrown off that horse. It ended when Andrea shot him." I said.

Rick licked his lips and handed me the necklace. "I trust you to dispose of this properly." He mumbled.

"Sure. Could you tell Carol that Daryl found Sophia's doll? She should know." I admitted.

He nodded and walked out of the house, the screen door slamming shut behind him. I tucked the necklace into my pocket and looked into the kitchen, Carol and Lori were cooking and it smelled really good.

I walked up the stairs to the bathroom and dropped the necklace into the toilet. I held the knob and watched it disappear down the drain.

I strolled into our bedroom, Hershel was wrapping gauze around Daryl's head. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and reached for Daryl's hand. Hershel finished wrapping the gauze and stepped back.

"He might not wake up for a long time Mariah. You should come down stairs and have dinner." He suggested.

I kept my eyes traced on Daryl and shook my head "I'm staying here Hershel." I said sternly.

He didn't say anything else he just left, and shut the door behind him. I moved the chair closer to the bed and squeezed his hand. He looked so peaceful while he slept, serenity and silence placing his mood. I sighed and studied his face.

He didn't seem to be hurt, but I wanted to check on his side. I rolled the blanket back and removed his shirt. His side was raw and red, dried blood covered the area and I stood up quickly.

I went to the bathroom and quickly dampened a cloth. I walked back and washed his wound, getting rid of the dirt and blood. When all the muck was off of his wound I took a closer look. The arrow must have pierced right threw his side, he could have bled out.

I reached for the roll of gauze Hershel left and applied it generously. When I finished I sat back down in my chair. I guess I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes it was pitch dark out and Beth was shaking me awake.

"Mariah!" She yelled at me. "Wh-hat?" I sputtered out. She stopped shaking me and smiled.

"You missed dinner so I brought you some." She said happily, handing me a tray of food.

"Thanks Beth." I said quietly, she gave me a hopeful smile and quickly disappeared out the door.

I ate the food rapidly, savoring the delicious flavors. I placed the plate on the table next to me and crawled into bed next to Daryl.

I moved his arm and laid my head on his chest. I wrapped his hand around me and listened to his heart beat.

That was the sound I listened to as I fell into a deep sleep.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now