Chapter 28- I won't Let You Die

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"That's weird." Lori commented, waving her hand in front of the vent, her brow furrowed.

"What's weird?" I asked.

She turned around and stared at me. "The AC just turned off." She replied.

I froze instantly. It was happening, the CDC, was shutting itself off. Lori saw the fear in my eyes and quickly zipped her bag shut.

"Let's go." I commented. I stood up and walked for the door, Carl and Lori behind me.

"Come on." I shouted down the hallway. I walked quickly to the elevator, everyone followed silently as Carol punched in the buttons.

We walked to the room filled with computers. Jenner was sitting down at his desk, staring at a photograph.

"Ts-19?" I questioned him. He turned around and nodded, a door slammed open and the guys stormed in.

"Whats going on?" Rick yelled at Jenner angrily.

"The building is shutting itself down." Jenner replied calmly.

I heard a slamming sound behind me and turned around to see Jason and Taylor storming into the room.

"What's going on?" Taylor yelled at Jenner.

"The building's shutting itself down." He repeated in monotone once again.

Taylor looked enraged, she stormed over to Jenner and grabbed his shirt. "What do you mean the buildings shutting itself down?!" She yelled in his face.

Jason walked over and pulled Taylor off of Jenner. "Back off." He hissed to her calmly.

She groaned and walked over beside me, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Why is everything else shutting down?" Carol questioned Jenner.

Jenner sighed and looked up at us. "The building is designed to keep the computers running up until the last possible second, so It shuts everything nonessential off." Jenner stated. After a moment Jenner spoke up again. "It was the french, they stuck it out the longest before they too ran out of power."

"We're getting out of here, grab your stuff let's go." Rick said calmly. We started for the door, I was only inches away when it slid shut.

"Theres no point in struggling." Jenner said calmly.

I put my hand on the door, feeling its cool metal as chaos erupted behind me.

"Let us out." Rick said calmly.

Jenner shook his head. "When that door closes it stays closed, you heard me say that." Jenner countered.

Rick rubbed his forehead angrily. "Let us out, Jenner." He smoothly requested again.

"Its better this way." Jenner tried to explain.

"What happens at zero?" Jacque asked quietly, making everyone stop in their tracks.

Jenner stared at Rick intently "Full decontamination-" Rick interrupted him. "What's full decontamination?"

Jenner looked darkly at Rick. "HIT's are deployed." He said quietly, Jenner turned and looked down at the picture frame in his fingers.

"What are HIT's?" Jason questioned Jenner.

Jenner looked up. "Vi, define." He commanded.

The robotic female voice came back over the intercom. "H.I.T.s, high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosive consists of a two-stage aerosol ignition which produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5,000 and 6,000 degrees and is used when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired."

Than it hit me. We're going to die, not from walkers, or starvation. We were going to die from an explosion, a suicidal explosion.

"Let us out!" Taylor frantically yelled, clearly terrified of the idea.

"Your death will be instant and painless, wouldn't you rather die in here rather than out there?" Jenner questioned

"Jenner open the door." Rick commanded, stepping closer to the doctor.

Jenner shook his head and stared at Rick. "There's no hope. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Jenner fired back loudly.

"You said that?" Lori questioned Rick, clearly horrified that her husband would say such a thing.

Rick shook his head. "Someone had to keep hope alive, that someone was me." He snapped.

Daryl, Jason, T-Dog and Glenn picked up heavy objects, they attacked the door trying to bust it open.

"This is our extinction event, this is the thing that kills us." Jenner ranted. He was trying to get everyone to agree to this, to suicide.

Glenn, T-Dog and Jason gave up after a minute. But Daryl kept going with his axe, hoping to make some kind of impact.

"I wouldn't try that. That door is built to withstand a rocket launcher." Jenner commented and shook his head.

Daryl whirled around, axe in hand, anger fuming from him. "Ya? Well your head won't!" He yelled, lunging at Jenner. Rick and Jason stood in his way, preventing any abuse to the suicidal doctor.

I walked over to Daryl, laying a hand on his shoulder, and I pulled the axe from his hands, throwing it on a nearby table.

I reached for his hand and he recoiled a bit, unsure of what to do in the situation.

I interlocked my fingers with his and moved closer to his face. "Can we just sit together? Please?" I whispered.

He stared at me for a moment and shook his head, making my face fall.

He took his hands from mine. "I ain't lettin' anyone die like this!" He grumbled.

He wandered back over to the doctor and Rick, while I shook my head at his foolish behaviour. I headed towards Taylor. "Looks like we're going to die alone after all." I said quietly.

Taylor smiled and grabbed my hand. "Looks like it."

We shifted around until we were in an tight embrace, her makeshift bayonet staying a safe distance from my back.

I smiled and hugged her closer. At least if I die, I'd die with my sister and brother.

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