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~ Four Months After Coronation ~

-Kacey's POV-

"You are so childish. You twenty four years old and yet you behave like a twelve year old," I yelled at Justin, walking down the stairs to get away from him.

"Woah! What's wrong Kacey?" I heard my brother, Kareem ask me. I smacked my lips and went into the living room where Kareem currently was.

"I was trying to focus on the project that we were coming up with, the Building Inspiration project and also making preparations for us moving in the house next month and he was bothering me and kept being annoying. I told him to go do something useful but instead he placed a fake cockroach beside me and he knows how I feel about insects. I accidentally pressed the delete buttons on the files and stuff and now I have to start all over." I huffed and threw myself beside Kareem.

"I'm sorry baby. It's just I wanted to have a little fun with you," Justin said while coming down the stairs. I flipped him off and looked at Kareem. He laughed and just pinched my cheeks.

"Don't worry. I still have the files on my computer and I'll send them to you." He kissed my cheeks and I sighed in relief. I thought I had to start all over. "And Justin quit harassing her," Kareem said to him. Justin took a seat on the chair.

"Nope," Justin said while leaning back in the chair.

Kareem looked at him, back at me, then shrugged. "I tried." He got up off the sofa and begin to walk away. "Where are you going?"

"To finish watching the game. You saw how I was just comfortable and happy until you came into the room. I want my happiness back so I'm going in my room," Kareem said. He turned on his heels and walked upstairs. I scoffed and looked back at Justin who was smirking at me.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "You infuriate the hell out of me." I got up from the couch and he soon followed my actions. He grabbed me, lifted me in the air and threw me back on the sofa.

"Justin stop. Gosh you too old to be acting like this," I said while laughing a bit. I can't stay mad at his childish self. He got in between my legs and smacked his lips at me. "You saying that like I'm 35."

"You about there anyways," I said while reaching up to squeeze his cheeks.

He smacked my hands and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back until he started moving to my neck.

Here he goes.

He wants to have sex. Not that I don't want to either but I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a little ole virgin and he isn't. I really want to please him but I just don't know how nor the right moment. Before he went further, the front door opened.


Cookie and Mel.

Save by the bell.

Justin quickly hopped up and I sat up from my previous position. I straightened myself up before they could walk in on us. "Ready to go?"

"Uhm, yea. Just let me get my purse," I said. I saw Justin waving at Cookie and Mel and they smirked at him. They know wassup. I went upstairs and grabbed my shoes. Slipping them on, I grabbed my purse and phone. I quickly ran back downstairs before they could say anything and grabbed their hands so we could head towards the door.

"Well didn't you come out in a jiffy?" Mel said while laughing.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes at her. Justin followed behind us so he could lock the door. "See you later baby."

He held out his lips for me to kiss and I happily accepted his offer. "Love you."

"Love you more." Cookie aww'd at us and Mel rolled her eyes at Justin. He closed the door behind us but before he did, he flipped Mel off. "I can't believe you guys are getting married," Cookie said.

"Yea. Me too," Mel said sourly. "You still don't like Justin do you?" I asked her. I don't see why they haven't gotten along yet. It's been almost eight months.

"I like him okay Kace. It's just he do and say stupid shit that gets me irritated but that your fiancée and if he makes you happy hell thats all that matters," Mel said while opening the car doors. I placed my hand over my over and smiled at her.

"Awww Mel."

She smirked at me. "Yea , yea. Just get in the car Martin." I got in the backseat and closed the door. Mel placed the key into the ignition, cranked up the car and we was off into the road.

Into two minutes of the drive, I was on my phone until Cookie asked me a question that threw me off guard.

"Aye Kacey why haven't you and Justin had sex yet?"

My eyes widen. The fuck happened to people minding their business? She looked at me and raised her eyebrows, waiting for me to answer.

I don't see how my sex life has to do with anything.

"Why you worried about it?"

"Because isn't it time for you all to have mini Biebers and shit to be running around," she asked while rummaging through her purse. "Besides, you wasting a fine piece of man that you have."

I scoffed and looked at Mel to see if she agreed with her. Mel looked back at me and then on the road. "What? I kind of agree with her Kacey. I want some nieces and nephews and also Justin does seem to be feening for you," Mel said while giving me the eye.

"Feening?" I pronounced the new found word.

"He's been craving you for a minute and I know you have been too." Point taken. "But don't worry we'll talk all about it through shopping and dinner," Mel said.

Well this should be interesting.


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