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A few years after Kacey's death, Justin hasn't been the same. He still wears his wedding band. He never dated again because he felt that he was cheating on his wife.

He still dreams about her and she sometimes visits him on occasions.

Josiah, Jamir, and Kahlani are now 13 and still ask about their mother. They have vague memory of her but not a lot. They still cry sometimes, thinking about why their mother had to die and why she couldn't live to watch them grow. Kahlani looks more and more like her mother whereas Josiah and Jamir looks more like him.

And boy did they have different personalities. Kahlani was your typical girl but she had boy tendencies. She sometimes dressed like a boy, talk in slang, and if a boy tried to run game on her, she'll play along and run game on them.

Jamir was still a sweetheart but sometimes he got in trouble a lot due to Josiah's influences. Josiah was a heartbreaker like Kacey predicted. He was somewhat like Justin.

Hopefully one day he'll change his ways and fall in love.

Hopefully one day he'll change his ways and fall in love

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Kahlani ❤

Josiah & Jamir 💙 (Couldn't really find twin boys pictures)

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Josiah & Jamir 💙 (Couldn't really find twin boys pictures)

Also the triplets have taken their love for music seriously. They even are starting to sing. Posting videos of YouTube of each other and stuff. Of course they can't get signed due to them being Princes and Princess of Ćenàla.

Kacey and Justin's family are holding up as they have to. They help each other when they are down and out also finding the strength to move on. Kareem sometimes takes it hard seeming that he's still King and has to rule without her.

Lastly, Kacey still remains in heaven watching over her family and the love of her life. She visits them whenever they doubt she's even there at times. She was so proud of Justin. Even though it gets hard raising the kids, he still manages. She was proud of how her kids are growing up.

They were so beautiful.

Even though she misses them terribly, she is still waiting for when they reunite in heaven. Becoming one big happy family again.

Kacey 💍

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Kacey 💍


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