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-Kacey's POV-

I got some answers that I've been finally looking for. I wanted to say that I was relieved.

But I'll be lying if I said I was.

I still don't understand like...

What the fuck? Am I good enough? I needed to talk to my mommy. I was on my way home when I made a u-turn. Yea.  I needed to talk to my mom.

I finally made it to my Mother's house and was climbing up the stairs to go to their room. One of the maids told me where she was. Making my way upstairs, I heard Mother and Father arguing.

"I do not want to talk to that woman Carmen."

I rolled my eyes. Mom is trying to make him do something that he strongly dislikes even though in the end, he's going to do what she says.

"Ethan it's your mother though."

I stopped for a minute and listened. The encounter with my Father's mother slash my grandmother wasn't the highlight of my life. I now know that she's racist even though I don't understand why.

"Carmen she would never accept us. Still till this day even though its been years. I told you once and I'll tell you again, if she can't accept you or her grandkids then she's never hearing from me again," daddy said. He sounded really pissed off.

Heck I would be too if my parents didn't accept the man that I loved.

I felt my heart sink into my stomach. It did happen to me at one point. The thing that happened between Justin and my Father. Daddy still doesn't know that Justin and I are together and it's hard to tell him that.

He likes Justin now and is very excited about our "wedding". Every time he sees me, he notices my ring isn't on my finger and I have to lie.

It's either "I lost it"


"I forgot to put it on."

Or some other ridiculous lie that I can come up with. He's also excited about the twins and says he couldn't wait to become a granddaddy. I smiled at the thought. Rubbing my stomach, I looked down.

I couldn't wait to see my babies either.

"Ethan she still your mother," mom said.

"I don't care. You should've seen the way she looked at Kacey when Kacey and I bumped into her at the supermarket. She looked at my baby like she was the most vile thing on this earth. Her and my father can burn in hell," he said.

I shivered at when daddy said that. I mean yea he doesn't like his parents but he shouldn't say that. Knocking on the door, they both stopped talking and looked my direction.

Daddy gave me a smile.

"Hey babygirl, how are my grandkids doing?" He came over and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He bent down and kissed my belly too. I laughed.

"We're doing great daddy," I said.

"That's great. Can't wait to find out what exactly you're having. Are you still doing a gender reveal party for Justin?"

I nodded. Even though I don't like him at this point, I wanted to surprise him.

Hopefully this surprise goes better than the last.

Hint. Hint.

"Hey sweetheart," mother said, coming over and embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back.

"So when do you find out why sex they are?" Father asked.

Placing my hand into my pocket, I told him I'll find out in 4 more days. "Are you excited?" Mother poked me. I bit my lip.

"More like nervous."

"Why?" Daddy asked me.

I scoffed. "What if they are two girls? Daddy I don't think I can be able to handle that. With all the mood swings and attitudes. God. I honestly don't want to go through with all of that," I complained but I was telling the truth.

Girls also cost more than boys. I'm sorry but we are really expensive.

But ...

At least we cute though!

"So! I've been dealing with it for over twenty years. It gets easier."

I was about to say something when I caught on to what he said. He was talking about mother and I. "You rude. We are not that bad," I defended.

"That's what you think," he mumbled under his breath. Mother elbowed him in his side and he hunched over in pain a little.

"Anyways honey what brings you by?"

I looked at mom and sighed heavily. "Girl talk," I said to her but more to my dad so that he could get out. He placed his hand over his chest.

"Ohhh, its like that," he said. "I feel offended."

"Good now leave," I said while giving him a playful shove. He was almost out of the door before he turned out to say one more thing.

"I feel like these girl talks are lies for me. Y'all are just talking about things behind my back or hell even me for that matter."

"Fine dad we talk about our periods," I said. I heard mother snicker a bit at my comment. Dad eyes bucked a bit and then he developed a disgusted look on his face.

"Yea. I don't need to know all that." He finally left the room and mother and I burst into laughter.

"Daddy is -"

"Child tell me about it." I laughed and Mother walked off. "Come and talk to mommy. I know you're going through trouble times right now seeming that it's 10 and you're father and I are supposed to be in bed," she said while walking over to the couch that she had in her room.

I followed Mother over to the couch and sat down beside her. I leaned down and placed my head into her lap as if I was a little girl. She instantly begin to rub and toy with my hair.

The most amazing feeling in the world.

"So I talked with Justin today," I blurted out.

"Oh, how did it go?"

"Not the way that I thought it would. He finally gave me some answers but I still feel like his somewhat lying. I want to believe him but I honestly don't know.

"I got my answers, but I still feel ... I still feel like he doesn't want me. Like he's only here for the kids. If he really did love me he wouldn't have done that to me."

I felt like something heavy on my heart finally let go and I felt good with letting it go.

"Sweetheart I know how you are feeling and I don't blame you for having those feelings but if he doesn't care Kacey he still wouldn't be trying to talk to you or trying to fix his mistakes -"

"Yea but -"

"No listen Kacey. He made one mistake. Hell I'm pissed at him as well but there was never going to be an easy for you to find out. There's never a right time to find out that someone you loved cheated. But at least he was man enough to admit that. Not too many men out here would do that. Especially someone you love."

My mom wiped away the tears that I have shed a thousand times.

"I just wish I wasn't in love with him so deeply."

"Just tell him that you still do and if you still want your relationship to work out, don't let something like this or that woman tear you guys apart."

Mother gave me a kiss and told me she loved me.

I told her I loved her back.


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