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-Justin's POV-

I woke up from Kacey and I's nap at around eight, looking around I soon realized we were in the room. I looked over and saw that Kacey's head was on top of my chest.

She looked so calm that I didn't want to wake her so I tried as best as I could to maneuver her head onto the pillow.

I scooted over a bit and she shuffled as well, I froze. I waited a couple of minutes to see if she would move again. She didn't. I picked her up a bit and placed her on my pillow.

Throwing my legs over the edge of the bed, I got up. I grabbed my phone and was about to leave when I heard her mumble my name. I turned and saw her fluttering her eyes wide awake. I smiled at her. She was so adorable.

"Baby go back to sleep."

She shook her head. "Nope. I wanna see the kids and I'm hungry," she pouted. Walking over towards her, I gave her a kiss and she gave me one back. She placed her hand on my cheek, obviously wanting more but I stopped it.

Once I broke the kiss, she nibbled on my bottom lip and I moaned. "Kacey."

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Stop before you start something," I warned her. She laughed.

"Fine but can you please bring me some food. Preferably some Hershey's Symphony Chocolate bar and some shrimp with Pepsi," she ordered, her eyes widen each time she said a food item.

"Okay little girl and anything else?"

"Nope. Just that and the kids when you come back," she said. I nodded and gave her a peck. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

"If you extend over fifteen minutes, you're not getting a tip," she yelled when I was almost out of door and when about to close it. I widen it once more and stuck my head in the doorway.



I closed the door behind me and walked down the stairs. I saw that Kacey's mom and dad left and so had Chaz and Ryan, leaving Cookie, Mel, my parents, Kareem and Khalil.

"Is she still asleep?" My mom asked me. She was holding Kahlani in her arms, slowly rocking her back and forth.

"No. She wanted me to make a little food run so I'll be back," I told her, grabbing my coat off the edge of the couch.

"Oooo let me come with you," Jason asked.

I smirked and shook my head. "Nah you good."

Jason flipped me off and got off the couch. "Fine. I'll make a food run on my own. Anyone want to go with me and would like me to get them anything?"

I don't see why he's being nice all of a sudden. Everyone raised their hands. "I didn't say I was paying for it. Give me some money and I'll go get your stuff."

Khalil smacked his lips. "I thought you was paying. But I'll go because I don't want nobody to fuck up my order."

I left the house and grabbed my keys out of my jeans pocket. I unlocked my Ferrari on the key fob. I walked towards my car and started it also with the key fob. I got in and put the key in, placed on my seat belt and put the car in drive, taking off.

I decided to go to a marketplace since it sells everything that Kacey wanted anyways. I wasn't about to go around the fucking globe for no shrimp anyways.

I took a shortcut and once I made it, I parked my car to the front so I wouldn't have to walk a long way in the parking lot. And when I say park my car in the front, I mean in the handicapped section.

I wasn't going to stay in there long.

I mean I hope I won't so I gotta make this quit. I jogged towards the entrance and grabbed a little buggy. The doors slid open and I walked in.

Since the drinks were by the cashier section in the little containers, I grabbed Kacey a Pepsi and me a Sprite.

I closed it and walked up and down the aisles to find the candy section. Craning my neck up the read the sections, I saw that the candy was on aisle five so I made a trip to aisle five and got her her chocolate and me some Sour Patch Kids.

I already knew that the shrimp was going to be in the back so I took a clear shot to the back of the aisle and into the seafood section.

The aroma of crabs, lobsters, and of course shrimp all hit me at once. I don't know why but it reminded me of down south.

I have to go there. I only visited it three times and I went to Jackson, Mississippi; Dallas, Texas and Nashville, Tennessee. Every time I go there I have a blast.

The food is amazing, the women, and their culture. Especially how their talk. Their slang kills me. Ugh! I just love it.

I have to take Kacey and the kids since she's only been out of Ćenàla once and that was due to her running. I wanted her to visit for something good this time so maybe I'll ask her if she's willing to come down to the south.

I hope she likes it as much as I do.

Besides she'll blind right in. She looks like she's from down there anyways. I looked for the container of shrimps that they had. Some were spicy, some were mild, regular, big, small, and regular sized.

I didn't know what she was in the mood for so I texted her.

'Bae what size and flavor do you want?'

'Regular and mild please ❤️'

I gave her a quick okay text and put up the container, placing it into the buggy. I was about to walk off when my buggy hit someone else's and I cursed under my breath.

"I'm sorry. I should've been watching were I was going," I said to the unknown woman. She had shades on and a SnapBack.

"Oh. That's fine baby."


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