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- Justin's POV -

I couldn't even get my words together. I was nervous and sweating a tad bit. Wow. She was even more beautiful than I last remembered.

"Woah. You've grown more since the seventh grade. Well of course you couldn't look that way forever," Hailey babbled. I laughed. "Well aren't you going to give me a hug?" She asked while coming from around the buggy.

I came over my buggy as well and embraced her in a hug. She squeezed me a little too tight but I didn't mind. She finally let go. "I've missed you bubby," Hailey said.

"Bubby?" I haven't heard that in a while. I snickered a bit. "What? I know you remember me calling you that," she said while lightly hitting me.

I went back over to my buggy and shrugged my shoulders. "Well I haven't heard that since I moved to L.A," I told her. My phone rang and I saw it was a text from Kacey.

'Baby, I'm feeling so horrible 😔. Can you please hurry home?'

I placed my phone back into my pocket. "Sorry about that. Anyways, why are you in Ćenàla?" I asked her. Hailey and I walked to the register, I was first to put my groceries up.

"I'm here for a photoshoot for Self and Vogue magazines so I'll be here for about a month. I didn't even know about this country but once I arrived here, I was in complete awe. It's really beautiful," Hailey said.

I knew how she felt. Ćenàla is such a small island that people really forget about it but once you're here, you would never forget about this place again. "Well I know you are going to love it just as much as I am," I told her. The cashier was finished ringing up my groceries and the total came back $48.77.

I gave the cashier my card and she swiped it, handing it back to me. "So what are you doing here?" Hailey asked.

"I work here," I simply said. I started to place my groceries in the buggy. Hailey mouth gaped open a bit. "Wow. That's cool," she said. I smiled at her. "Thank you."

Once I was finished, I was on my way out when Hailey stopped me. "Justin," she called out. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Yea."

"Uhm, can we you know hang out sometimes when you and I aren't busy? I would love to catch up," she said.

"Oh, sure. That's fine with me," I said.

Hailey moved her hair from her face and grabbed her phone. "Can I get your number?"

I smirked at her and grabbed her phone. Typing in my number, I saved my number under Bubbie ❤️.

I handed it back to her and she took a look at my contact. She giggled at what I saved myself under. "Wow. Anyways I'll give you a call. Goodbye Justin," she said. I waved goodbye at her and begin to walk to my car.

I grabbed my phone and saw that I still had that text from Kacey. Damn! I forgot that she needed me right now.

I placed all the groceries in my car and placed the buggy back in front of the store. I jogged back into my car and hopped in. Before I pulled out, I sent Kacey a quick text telling her that I'll be there in five minutes.

I drove to Blockbuster which was only five blocks down from the market place. On the way there, my heart was still pumping from my encounter with Hailey.

I never knew she would sprout out to be drop dead gorgeous.

A wave of memories started coming back to back and I couldn't even keep my smile down. Damn we had good and simple times then.

I was so fixated on our encounter and the next time that we would meet up that I've almost missed Blockbuster so I had to back up. I parked in front of the store. I hurried up and ordered the movie then got back into my car.

I went home and parked the car into the garage. I opened the backseat door and placed the movie in a random bag. I grabbed all of the bags, placing them all on my arms. I was not about to make a second trip.

I closed the door with my foot and struggled to go through the garage door. I managed to open it a smidget and kick the rest of the door open with my foot. I closed the garage door with my foot and placed the bags on the counter.

I sighed in relief and shook my arms a bit. Bags was heavy as fuck. I put all the food in the fridge and pantry and put all the bags within a bag and placed it on the pantry's knob.

Maybe it's just me but I don't know if any other person has one grocery bag filled with other grocery bags. That's weird to me but yet I always do it.

I grabbed the Wizard of Oz movie and the two tubs of ice cream that I've bought. I walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door. I saw Kacey in the bed, snuggled up, looking at t.v.

"Yay! My baby is home. Me missed you," she said. I walked over to her and gave her a quick peck. "I missed you too. Here, I'm about to go take a quick shower and then we can cuddle up and watch your favorite movie," I said.

She clapped her hands and pushed me, telling me to hurry up and shower. She got up from the bed and I asked her were was she going?

"To go get some pickles to eat with my ice cream," she said in a 'duh' way. What? I was about to say something but I stopped myself.


She walked downstairs and I went into the closet, grabbed my clothes, and took a quick shower. I was in there for like four minutes and hopped out.

Once I dried off, lotioned my body and started to place on my clothes, Kacey came in. She was carrying just three slices of pickles on a napkin.

She placed it on the counter and went to put the movie into the DVD player. I came out of the bathroom and turned off the lights. Climbing into bed, I grabbed my ice cream and spoon.

Kacey got into bed and grabbed her ice cream and remote, pressing play to start the movie. She placed the remote down and grabbed a pickle, dipping it into the ice cream.

What. The. Fuck?


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