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- Justin's POV -

I was in the bathroom washing my hands when I heard the front door being opened. I also heard shouting and what seemed like someone fighting.

"Kacey stop it!"

"No! Kareem put me down!"

I laughed and dried my hands, going to see what was the problem. I walked towards the front and saw Kareem putting Kacey down. Once she was out of his grasp, she started to beat on him.

"Justin! Just-! Aye, Kacey stop!"

"Aye! What's the problem here?" I said while breaking up the mini fight. Kacey pulled her hair back and was about to charge but I stopped her.

"He wouldn't let me finish my work and I was almost finished," Kacey said.

"Kacey you had to read about fifteen more pages," Kareem said. Kacey shrugged her shoulders. "So, it's was -"

Kacey suddenly hunched over while holding her stomach. "Kacey baby what's wrong?" I asked her while holding her back and leaning to see if she was okay. She ran off to the bathroom and started to throw up.

Kareem and I ran in the bathroom. She was hunched over the toilet. I went over to comfort her and grabbed her hair out of the way.

"I'm about to go give her some orange juice," Kareem said. He walked out of the bathroom and I continued to comfort her. Once she was finished, she lazily reached up and flushed the toilet.

"Here," Kareem said while handing me the cup. I grabbed it and gave it to Kacey. She grabbed it and took a sip. "Baby are you okay?" I asked her.

She slowly nodded, took another sip, and gave it back to me. "Yea. I think it's something that I've eaten and due to stress," she said. I gave her a skeptical look.

"You sure?" Kareem asked her. Kareem looked at me and I looked back at him.

"Well, c'mon lets get you in bed." I outstretched my arms out and she did the same, putting her hand in mine's. I dragged her up and we walked out of the bathroom. "Aight. Well I'll see you later. Hope you get better little sis," Kareem said. He gave Kacey a kiss on the forehead and he left.

I locked the door behind him and made sure the alarm system was activated. It was. I turned back to Kacey and she was hunched over the railing of the stairs. "Justin," she whined.

"I'm coming," I said. She wanted me to pick her up. She turned around and interlocked her arm around my neck. I reached down and picked her up, starting to walk up to our bedroom.

"I feel so horrible," she said. I laughed. "It's okay babygirl. You'll get better."


But she didn't get better. The next three days, Kacey was dead. She couldn't do anything. She was constantly throwing up and sleeping. Kacey was home now while I was helping her mom with our wedding that was coming up in July.

It was the last week of February so we had a good amount of time left until February. "So how is she holding up?" Mrs. Martin asked me while pasting on the poster board we had the colors of the wedding.

"She's still vomiting every moment and she's been tired a lot. I think I'm going to take her to Doctor Johnson again," I told her. I looked up from my typing an email to a photographer an to take a look at Mrs. Martin.

"Yes. She's been really stressed a lot so just go back to Doctor Johnson and see if her health is still okay. We do not need to wait around and see if she gets worst," Mrs. Martin said.

"Okay. Mrs. Martin, I'll take her tomorrow when I get off of work," I said while continuing to write my email.

"Well let me how that goes," she said. I felt Mrs. Martin touch my arm and I looked up. "Justin you know you don't have to call me Mrs. Martin anymore. You are about to be my son in law so if you're comfortable you can call me mom," she said.

I gave her a smile. "Thank you," I told her.

"You're welcome sweetheart," she said. Mrs. Martin really did shock me and I honestly didn't know how to reply. It's going to take me a minute before I do start calling her mom. I hope she didn't expect me to call her that straight off the bat.

Mrs. Martin and I got finished with working some more until I had to go home to be with Kacey. We begin to wrap it up and I left.

I got in my car and cranked it up. I needed to go to the store so I went to the nearest market place. I grabbed a buggy and got a few things.

Going from aisle to aisle, I got some soup, bags of tea, ice cream (Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake), pancake mix, eggs, shrimp (I have a odd craving for some), hickory barbecue chips and etc.

Yea. We are going to be fat ass fuck. We really need to stop eating like this.

I might as well get her favorite movies on the way home too.

I was on my phone on Blockbuster's website to see if they had Wizards of Oz, Kacey's favorite movie of all time. I was also about to go to the register to ring all of my groceries up when I ran into another shopper. "Damn," I said. I quickly put my phone up and tried to take our baskets apart.

"I'm so sorry," I told them.

"It's okay. I clearly wasn't paying attention either," the woman said. I stopped in my tracks at the sound of her voice. It sounded like someone I knew a long time ago.

I looked up and saw someone that I haven't seen since I left Toronto. My first crush, kiss and everything in between.

"Hailey," I gasped.

"Justin. Is it really you?"


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