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-Kacey's POV-

Before we could get ready, Marcella had us cleaning up with the exception of Justin since it was his birthday and he already had his shower. There wasn't much to do though.

'Why am I cleaning up when I have butlers and maids?' I thought to myself. I would've asked that out loud but I didn't want to get ridiculed by Marcella so I just finished cleaning.

Once that was finished, everyone got ready. I looked at the clock when I got out of the shower and saw that it was 12:18. I brushed my teeth then moved to my hair and makeup afterwards. I was straightening my hair when my Mother called me.

"Kacey, can you please go to the store and go pick up some cake decorating tips specifically size 7. The cooks need it to finish Justin's cake," Mother said. I sighed and finished my flat ironing my hair.

The struggle that I had straightening my hair. "Yes, I'll go over there right now," I said.

"Thanks baby," she said. I hung up the phone and straightened up my bathroom. I grabbed my phone and called one of my drivers who said he'll be here in fifteen minutes.

I said okay and went into the bedroom. I lightly threw my phone on the bed next to my clothes. I went to my dresser, grabbed my cocoa butter, and lotioned up my body.

Once finished, I went over to my clothes. When I placed on my bra and panties, that's when Justin came in. "Baby, I'm going to run to the store. It's not going to be long," I told him while placing my jeans on.

Right leg.

Left leg.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Zip up, button.


I placed on my heels, strapping them on.

"Okay," Justin replied.

I placed on my shirt, rolling it up in the front. "Kacey," Justin called.

"Yes," I said, not really listening. I was about to roll up my shirt before I felt Justin pull it down. "Heyyyyyyyyyy!" I yelled.

"The fuck you think you doing? You think you going outside with your shirt rolled up?! Got me fucked up. Then some dude think he can come and try to take you. Fuck all that. Either you gon change your shirt or keep that down."

I smacked my lips. "Justin-"

"Nope. Either keep it down or change."

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. Is he serious right now? "It's just a shirt."

"Does it look like I care?" He raised his eyebrow at me. I heard my phone ringing. I looked down and saw that it was my driver. "Can you not do this? I have one little errand to run so..." I grabbed my jacket that goes along with my outfit.

I grabbed my phone and my purse that was in one of the chairs. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't pout. It's your birthday."



I hurriedly rushed out of the room, looking at my clock again. 12:34. It was almost time for Justin's party which starts at two. I rushed out of the door and cautiously ran down the stairs to the car.

The driver was already outside. He had the door opened for me. I thanked him and hopped in. He closed the door behind me and walked over to the driver's side. He got in, buckled up, put the car in drive and we was off.

Arriving to the store, I got out and there were some people outside. Once they saw me, they took notice in me. Some shrieked and some gasped. They ran up to me and asked for a autograph and a photo.

I gladly did it. After I was done, they thanked me and I told them it was no big deal. They went on their way and I went inside the store.

Not knowing where the cake tips where, I stopped a worker and asked him.

"It's on aisle five my Queen," he answered. I giggled when he said my Queen.

"Sir you can really just call me Kacey," I said. I hate when people acknowledge me by my formalities. I understand that I'm the Queen but that stuff really does irritates my soul.

"As you wish," he bowed. I went down to the fifth aisle and walked down until I spotted the cake tips. I read the tips sizes.

I bulged my eyes. There were so many sizes. This was going to take me a minute to find. I looked through the racks.

Size 9.

Size 18.

Size 21.

Size 6.

I was searching for five more minutes until I finally found the right tip. Grabbing two just in case, I was about to head to checkout but I saw my Father's mother.

She was walking down the aisles. I needed to talk to her. I was walking towards her when she disappeared into another aisle I'm guessing. I speed walked to catch up with her.

I searched every aisle looking left and right. I finally spotted her. She was currently looking through tubes of ice cream.

Something that I'll do but right now I didn't have the time. Working up my courage to confront her, I walked up towards her. I lightly tapped her on her shoulder. 

She turned around and once she spotted me, her nose kind of turned up. "Uhm... Hi. I was just coming to ask you are you my dad's mother? Ethan Martin?"

"Yes. I am Ethan's mother. What are you? Another slut of his."

My breathing hitched at her comment. What was her problem? "No.... No I'm his daughter, your granddaughter. I just came to introduce myself since I never meet you. My dad never talks about you and I never saw you until the moment we ran into you at the store," I explained to her.

She snorted. "I do not have any grandkids. Even if I do, they wouldn't be in your race so would you please leave my presence," she said, turning around to what she was previously doing.

My mouth gaped open. I didn't know if I to retaliate and ask her what the fuck was her problem. Not wanting to cause a scene, I went to the checkout.

Once he rang me up and I paid for my things, I walked out with my mind full of questions that I needed answered. I went to the car and got in.

"Take me to my parents house."


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