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- Justin's POV -

She was gone. The next morning, Kacey didn't wake up.

Some mornings, I place Eskimo kisses on her and after the third Eskimo kiss, she wakes up. This time, she didn't.


I placed my head on her heart.

I didn't hear anything.

I checked her pulses.

I didn't feel anything.

All I did was hold her and cry instead of me getting upset. As soon as Doctor Johnson came in, he knew what happened. He could see it in my eyes.


"No. No. Just let me hold her. Just let me hold her," I begged him. I did not want to let go of her. My baby girl.

"Justin it's okay," he said, coming into the room. I shook my head. All of it is my fault. "If I haven't made her upset that night, she wouldn't have left. She wouldn't have left and she wouldn't been kidnapped and she wouldn't have gotten shot by Trevor. Fuck! God please bring her back," I said.

If he brings her back, I swear I'll never ask for anything else.

Nothing at all.

Just bring her back.

"Justin. I know you're hurting. I know that but I'm sure she's looking down at you as we speak," Doctor Johnson said. I heard some footsteps coming in. I saw a team of nurses. "Justin. You have to go home," he tried to reassure me. "Everything is going to be fine."

Looking at Kacey again, I knew I couldn't do it. Doctor Johnson nodded. "It's going to be fine. Larry can you please assist Justin to his home."

"Yes sir," I heard Larry said. Larry asked Doctor Johnson my home address and he told him. Larry came over and pulled me off of the bed. I felt myself loose a grip on her hand due to Larry pulling me off.

I stretched myself to kiss her hand. "I love you. I'll see you again baby. I promise."


Night fell. Soon everyone knew about Kacey's death and I just shut down. When my kids finally came home, I sat them all down in Kacey & I's room. Mr. Martin brought them here.

"I'll just keep them for a few days. So you can clear your head," Mr. Martin told me. I nodded.

"I'll pack their clothes up but c'mon," I told them, leading them up to the stairs. Climbing the stairs, I got memories of Kacey and I instantly thought of something else.

I didn't need this right now.

"Daddy are we in trouble?" Kahlani asked me as soon as we entered the room.

"Whatever happened, Jamir did it," Josiah said. Jamir gasped, mouth gaped open.

"No. No, nobody is in trouble. I just have to talk to you for a second," I said. They all looked up to me as I pulled a chair up. "So uhm.. you guys know how mommy was in the hospital right?" I asked them.

They all shook their heads yes in union.

"Well.." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. "You guys are not going to see mommy again," I said in a way that a child could understand. That would be harsh if I would've said dead but they needed to know the truth.

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