
521 41 3

-Kacey's POV-


I swatted at my ear because something was tickling it.


I placed the pillow over my head to try to stop whatever or whoever it was. They grabbed the pillow off of my head and I finally opened my eyes.

Of course it was Marcella.

I looked at her and wanted to strangle her there. "Marcella, what?" I whined.

"Kacey its 2 p.m. You have to take your medicine and get ready for today," she said while getting my bag of medicine to me and a glass of water to me. I must've been really tired to be sleeping past noon.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the bag and took all of the medicine that Dr. Johnson prescribed me. "Now don't make me come back in here. Hurry up and get dressed." She grabbed the bag and the empty glass.

Looking besides me I saw that Justin wasn't beside me. I was a little sad by that. Throwing the covers off of me, I looked on the dresser and saw a note with a rose.

Grabbing the rose, I lifted it up to my nose and begin to sniff it. It smelled so sweet. I grabbed the note and started to read it.


I didn't want to wake you since the last couple of week have been crazy, stressed and hell bent for you. I know you're also tired love and I wish I could take that all away from you. So tonight I want I'm going to get your mind of a couple of things. Don't dress up, dress casual.



My baby. I got butterflies in my stomach from the note and excitement. I wonder what he has planned for us.

Now I was energized for the day.


I walked downstairs with my phone in my hand on Snapchat. I took a picture quoting it 'Starting the day'. "You stay on that damn thing," Kareem said while walking beside me.

I stop and raised my upper lip at him. "So? Your point is? And you still haven't sent me the files that Justin made me delete yesterday," I reminded him.

"Ohh, yea. I'll do it tonight." He went to the front door and grabbed his keys and coat. Where was he going? He usually don't be out until at least three.

"Where are you going?"

"To mind my business," he said before closing the door behind himself. Now he's been creepy and on the low too.

Oh, I'm going to find out what's going on.

I went into the kitchen and saw Ursula washing dishes. I told her good morning and she gave me one back. Reaching inside the refrigerator, I grabbed an orange and walked back to the sink to wash it off.

I placed the orange under the faucet, washed it thoroughly, and begin to peel it. My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket.

Pausing my peeling, I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller I.D. It was the realtor who was helping Justin and I move.

"Joseph, hey."

"Hello Queen Kacey," he laughed. "Sorry to bother you but the team who's building your home is about done. They said you can come in next Wednesday," he informed me.

I squealed in excitement. Justin and I can finally have some alone time.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much," I said.

"No problem. Just come over by two on Wednesday so I can give you a tour of your new home," Joseph said.

I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me. "Yes. Thank you so much. See you soon." I hung up the phone and placed it back in my pocket.

"What are you so happy about?" Mother suddenly popped into the kitchen. I yelped and placed my palm over my heart. "You couldn't announce yourself before coming in?" I asked, trying to steady my heartbeat.

Mother laughed and rubbed my back, kissing my forehead. "Sorry honey. But what are you so excited about?" She went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"The realtor called and said that the home is almost finished. So now that means I have to call the staff and movers and inform them about the move. Also the maids and butlers who'll work with me too," I ran my fingers through my hair while telling my mom about all the tasks that I'll have to do.

"Well that reminds me. Agent Karoski has some idea on who's been embezzling the hospital money. Seems to be a doctor who's been working with one of our accountants. So Karoski wants us to meet him in his office in fifteen minutes," Mother said.

More and more stress.

I heavily sighed, rubbing my temples to calm myself. "Okay. I'll be ready."

I went upstairs to grab my yellow Converses who were luckily by my door. I shot Justin a quick text letting him know that the house will be done on Wednesday and that we'll be able to view it.

'That's great love. Can't wait to start a new chapter with you 😘'


'Also baby we have to reschedule our dinner for Friday. Got this case on the embezzlement and Karoski is having our asses.'

My smile that was originally on my face disappeared. I hate being Queen. Before I could place my phone back into my pocket, it vibrated again.

'Don't frown. I promise Friday will be here before you know it.'

'Yea if you or I don't have anything else that'll ruin our plans,' I thought to myself.

I quickly placed on my shoes and laced them up. I walked back downstairs and saw that Mother, Father and Kareem were already downstairs waiting for me.

"Ready baby?" Father asked me while Kareem and Mother walked out.

"Yea," I frowned while getting my purse. Father raised his eyebrows at my tone of voice. "Everything okay?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder and looking me in my eyes.

"Everything's fine daddy. Now can we go?" I walked out and got into the limo. Dad soon followed and got in too.


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