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- Justin's POV -

I was on my way to Café Verlot to meet up with Hailey when I dropped off Kacey.

Once I was one block away from the cafe, I texted Hailey and told her I was here. I parked my car across from the cafe.

Stepping out of the car and placing my keys into my pocket, I saw Hailey sitting outside. Once she saw me, she waved.

I waved back.

I had to wait until the traffic clear a bit before crossing the street. Once it did, I jogged over and took a seat at the table Hailey was seating at.

"Hi," she said while pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Hi," I said out of breath from jogging.

"I'm so glad you could make it."

"Same here," I said.

We just smiled at each other, not knowing what to say next. God she was so beautiful. "Oh. Later on I'm supposed to be taking a photoshoot down by the beach. Want to come along if you don't have anything else to do?"

"Yea. I would love to," I said.

"Great. Anyways where's your family? I haven't seen them in a long time," she said. She grabbed a menu that was placed in front of both of us and begin to look through it.

"Oh, they are still in Canada," I told her.

"Is Jason still being a pain in the butt?" She asked me.

"Ugh! You know it," I said. She laughed at my response. "Should've known that," she said. I opened up the menu to see what I wanted.

I wanted a BLT with a Dr. Pepper.

"Justin remember my first day coming to Canada and at school all the guys were picking with me just because I wore braces," she said. I looked up from my menu.

It was a classic story. She was being bullied, I came to the rescue, and we became best friends.

We did everything together. From skiing, ice hockey, skateboarding, took some classes together and so much more. Then I developed a slight crush on her and it continued to grow up until tenth grade.

Unfortunately she got a boyfriend then and I got crushed by the fact that I waited to late to tell her how I felt about her. But she was still my best friend. After two years of them dating and then graduation, we went to college and we lost touch of course.

I thought I would never see her again.

"Yea I remember. I didn't see why they picked on you though. You were one of the most beautiful girls up there at that school," I said. A waiter finally came and took our orders.

Once he was finished writing them, he told us that he'll be right back with our orders and took our menus along with him.

"I still don't see how you thought that even though I had those god awful things on my teeth," Hailey said.

"Hailey just because you had them doesn't mean you were ugly. You also had the most amazing personality that I've known. You were different than those girls up there and that's what I loved about you," I explained to her.

"Well I loved you too. You were my best friend," she said. Hailey grabbed my hand and I looked down at it, feeling a little spark come between us.

"Well back then I loved you more than a friend."


She couldn't form her words together because she was in shock. "I know I should've said something but I didn't want to lose you as a friend. Besides you were dating Cody then, I didn't want to ruin that for you. You looked so happy with him," I said.

I recalled that feeling of when she called me the night she and him got together. I pretended to be so happy for her.

After the phone call, I went to bed crying my eyes out. Just praying to God that if he let me have her, I wouldn't ask for anything else in the world. I hated to see him with her.

"Justin, you should've told me. Then maybe we could've been something. What were you so afraid of?" She asked me. I avoided contact with her.

"Because I was mostly afraid of what your answer was going to be," I finally told her after all these years.

She kissed my hand. "Well my answer would've been yes Justin. Wish you could've told me that sooner."

The waiter finally came back with our food and we began to eat. We sat at the cafe for hours talking about any and everything. From our memories, jobs, the places we've been, sports and more.

That was until her phone rang. "Hey, Sean," she said once she answered. She pointed her pointer finger to say wait a minute. I nodded.

"Yea. I'll be there in ten minutes."


"Okay see you soon," she said and hung up. She sighed.

"He is so suffocating me. You still coming to my photoshoot right?" She asked me.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 10 a.m. "Yea. I'm still coming," I told her.

"Okay I'll meet you at Sahbia Beach. You can go now, I'll pay for our brunch," she said. I shook my head.


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"Nope. I'm paying so go ahead. I'll catch up with you," I waved for our waiter to come. He gave us our bill and Hailey tried to snatch it, but I was faster.

"You suck. I'm paying you back," she said. She collected her things and went to her car. The waiter begin to clean up but looked at Hailey every now and then.

"Friend of yours?"

"Yea something like that," I said while smiling.

"She's a cutie. Not better than Queen Kacey though," he said before walking out with all of the plates, cups and silverware. After he said that, I looked down at my engagement ring.

I would never cheat on Kacey.


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A visual image of what Ćenàla basically looks like. 😊

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