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-Kacey's POV-

Three days has past and Justin's party is tomorrow. I was so excited. Cookie, Mel, my mother and I have finally decided on a way to tell Justin that I was pregnant.

He's going to be so shocked.

I was currently at home eating my pickles and ice cream, waiting for Justin's family to come. I checked the clock on the wall and it read 1:37. They were going to be here at 3.

I grabbed my phone and checked to see any missed calls or anything. I had a message from Jazzy of course.

'Is Justin there?'

'Nope. He's not going to be home until 7 tonight. 😊'

'Perfect. Can't wait to surprise him.'

Speaking of Justin, he's been kind of distant from me the past couple of days but I think it has something to do with me being sick and moody from my pregnancy. So I wasn't really concerned about it.

I read that men can get pregnancy symptoms as well. So I'm guessing me and him are both going through it.

We'll get back on track once I tell him about it.

I placed my phone back down and called Ricardo, my butler. "Yes your majesty?" He bowed to me.

"Please get the guest rooms cleaned and get clean new sheets. I am having guests coming within two hours," I explained to him.

"Getting right to it."

He turned on his heels and called some maids to help him. I also called my driver and told him to come and pick me up. I still needed to break the news to my dad about my pregnancy. I never gotten a chance to tell him due to me and him being busy but today he's not so perfect timing.

My driver came within two minutes and I was already walking out when he was pulling up. "Hello Queen," he said while opening the door for me. I gave him a smile.

"Hello to you as well. Will you please take me to my parents house?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Anything for you." I got inside and he closed the door behind me. He jogged to the driver's side and hopped in.

Making it to my parents' house, Kareem was outside on the phone. The driver opened the door for me and closed it behind me, catching the attention of Kareem. "Hey preggo," he mocked.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Hahaha, very funny." I walked up the stairs. "Where's dad?"

He told the person on the phone to wait a second. "By the lake," he quickly told me before getting back on the phone. I looked behind me and saw that the driver left. I opened the door and walked through the house to the back door.

On my way there, I saw Mother outside as well, tending to her garden. I jogged over to her and knelt beside her. "Hey Ma," I said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey baby. How's my grand babies doing?" She placed down her gardening tool and put her hands on my stomach. I giggled at her gesture.

"Fine except this morning sickness is killing me," I told her.

Mother huffed. "Now you see how I felt with you and your brother. But don't complain. It's only going to get worst," she said.

I groaned. "Hey. Shouldn't have been -"

"Okay! I'm going to go find Dad," I said while jogging. That's weird discussing your sex life with your parents. "Kacey! Can your and your dad run to the market to go get some soil?! I ran out!"

"Okay!" I yelled back to Mother.

I saw dad outside sitting in the grass and just looking out at his surrounding. "Dad!" I dragged out while going down the hill, watching my step. He looked behind him. A smile grew on his face when he saw me.

"Hey muffin," he said. I finally made it to him and sat down beside him. "What's up pops?"

He heavily sighed and went back into the position he was originally in. "Nothing just chilling."

I nodded. Understandable.

"Well dad, Ma wants us to go to the market to pick up some soil and while we're at it, I really need to talk to you," I said. I got butterflies in my stomach once I said that. I didn't know how he would react once he found out I was pregnant.

"Okay babygirl, let's go then." We both got up from the grass, dusting ourselves off and walked towards the house.

"Make sure you get the Miracle-Gro," Mother said. Dad muttered a okay and we went inside. I walked towards the front door while he went upstairs to get his shoes. He came back in like forty-five seconds, with his keys in his hands.

"Going in the Rolls-Royce."

I opened the door and begin to walk out. I walked down the stairs and went to my dad's black Rolls-Royce, walking to the driver's side. He unlocked the door and I got in.

While I was closing the door, he was coming in and he closed the door behind him. He put the key into the ignition and cranked the car. Putting the car in drive, we started our journey's to the market.

We were silent for two minutes until he asked me what I needed to talk to him about. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My hands started to get clammy and I begin to shake my leg.

He looked at me and then back at the road quickly. "Kacey is everything fine?"

"Yes daddy but uhm.... How would you feel about grandkids?" I rushed out. I felt my eyes starting to tear up.

"Kind of an odd question. But I would love to have some."

And on cue, they begin to roll down my cheek.

"Dad... I'm pregnant... I'm having twins," I finally told him. We came to a stop sign and he raised his eyebrow at me.

"You're what-?"


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