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- Kacey's POV -

A couple days later, I received a letter about my blood test. Turns out the poisoning that took place years ago was actually still doing damage to me.

And terribly.

Reading the letters once more, my eyes became glossy.


This couldn't happen to me. I'm a wife and a mother. I not only have to live for me but for Justin and my children. There's simply no way.

"Baby are you okay?"

Flinching, I hastily wiped the tears from my eyes and turned to look at Justin. "Justin, you scared me. Yea honey I'm okay."

I hid the letter behind my back, hoping he wouldn't notice it. "You sure?"

I nodded again. "Well, the kids want to go to the park. Wanna come?"  I folded the letter into my sweatpants pocket. "Yea. Just lemme get changed and then we can go."

I speed walked past Justin and up the stairs. I saw Jamir looking under his bed possibly looking for his shoes. I went into my room and went straight to my closet. My shirt seemed okay so I just changed my pants.

Grabbing my pink adidas, I placed them on my feet. I grabbed my purse, keys, and my phone off the dresser. Looking up into the mirror, I tried to see if there was any hint of the truth on my face.

I took a deep breath.

The letter was obviously a mistake. There is nothing wrong with me.

"Mommy!" I heard Kahlani called.

"Yes baby?!"

I coughed and felt mucus starting to form so I went ahead and spit it out. Ugh!

"Where are you?!"

I jogged out of my room and downstairs to Justin and the kids. "Right here," I bent down to her level and smoothed down her hair. I didn't feel like doing it today so it was in a ponytail. My god, my daughter has a head full of hair.

"Ready mommy?" Jamir asked.

Getting up from a crouching position, I grabbed Jamir and Kahlani's hands. "Yes," I said to them. "Let's go."


When we were walking and the kids saw the park in their view, they instantly took off. I mean the park was fucking huge.

"Hey! Don't go too far!" I yelled to them.

Justin took my hand and walked me towards the benches. A few people squealed once they saw me, some bowed, some said hey. I returned each and every gesture. Luckily they knew why I was there so they didn't bother Justin and I.

"Baby," Justin said.


"I was thinking about something. We should take a trip to Hawaii."

I hummed. "Ohhh I kind of figured that. Justin how do you know about my ancestors coming from Hawaii?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Kareem told me. Besides don't you want to go. It'll be a fun experience for all of us," he said, referring to us and the kids.

"Yea but when are you talking about going?" I asked him while looking for the kids. Josiah was on the swings, Jamir was climbing a ladder thing and Kahlani had Princess Layla and was currently playing with a little girl and her dolly.

"Next month. I have some stuff I need to finish for uhm ... uhm ..." I raised my eyebrows. "Uhm ... work and I know you do as well with Kareem," Justin said.

"Kareem is too busy with his wife and also my best friend who forgot about me," I said referring to Mel. The newlyweds got married two years ago and they forgot all about me.

I basically hooked both of the fuckers up. Which reminded me that I have to call her. I haven't talked to her in almost three weeks.

"Well baby this month ends in two weeks so what date we talking about?"

"On June 13."

I smiled. That was the day Justin told me he was beginning to like me. When I played the piano for him in his old home in California.

"Awww. Sure baby," I said while giving him a kiss.

Hearing a jingle rolling down the street, everyone saw the ice cream truck coming down the street. The giant horn releasing the tune to let everyone know that it was here.

Every kid on the playground went crazy.

I giggled because soon my munchkins ran up to Justin and I, begging us to let them get ice cream.

I raised my eyebrows at Justin.

"Do they deserve ice cream Justin?"

Justin scratched his head and shrugged, playing along as well. "I don't know love. Do they?"

"Yes mommy and daddy," Kahlani said, crawling in her daddy's lap.

"Daddy please!" Josiah said.

Jamir looked up to me with those hazel eyes. Gosh they resembled a lot like Justin's.

Grabbing Jamir's hand, I got up off the bench. "Come on Justin let's go give them some ice cream," I said. I heard them say yay and hi-fiving each other.

Walking over towards the truck, we were the fourth person in line. I told the kids to go ahead and make the decision on what kind of ice cream they wanted.

Once we got up there, Josiah wanted a mint chocolate chip, Jamir wanted birthday cake, and Kahlani wanted strawberry cheesecake. Justin and I couldn't resist either so he got Caramel Swirl whereas I just got plain strawberry.

The total came out 12.57. I was about to reach inside my purse to pay when Justin gave me the death glare.


He never lets me pay for anything. I zipped my purse back up as Justin reached inside his pocket and gave the man $15.

"Keep the change," he said as we began to walk away with the kids. We walked back toward the play ground. I took a lick at some of my cone.

"Justin," I said.


"You got something on your face," I said while getting a closer look. I grabbed some ice cream on my index finger.


"Right there," I said while wiping the ice cream on his face.

"The fu-"

I burst out laughing as he wiped the sticky substance off his cheek. He groaned. "Very funny. I'm gon get you back."

I licked some more of my ice cream and shook my head. "Yea we'll see."


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