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-Justin's POV-

I don't know why Chaz convinced me to talk to Kacey but whatever. He told me to man up and just tell her what happened.

That she deserves to know the truth.

So I decided to just go. I know she will be surprised at me coming unannounced. Pulling up into her driveway, I turned off the engine once I pulled up to her front door.

I gave myself a pep talk before getting out of the car. I felt butterflies in my stomach along with knots. I felt a need to suddenly throw up.

I took deep breaths and got out before I could change my mind. As I walked closer and closer to the door, I begin to get hot and clammy. Stopping in front of the door, I thought about what was I going to say when she opened the door.


No that's too friendly. She doesn't even like me.


Well that seems more like it.

I finally knocked on the door and waited for her to open up. After 10 seconds, I knocked again. A man opened the door. Somebody who worked for us, well Kacey now.

"Hello Mr. Bieber," he greeted me.

"Hey Abraham, is Kacey home?" I asked him.

"Uhm .. Ms. Martin is-"

"Justin what are you doing here?"

Kacey appeared in front of me, looking beautiful as ever. I forget what I was even about to say. She literally takes my breath away ever time I look at her.

I miss looking at this gorgeous site 24/7.

"Justin what are you doing here?"

"Uhm.. uhh," I said. God! I couldn't even talk her.

What the fuck?

Kacey raised her eyebrows at me and then got an angry kind of expression on her face. I hate it when she looks like that.

"Kacey please don't look like that."

"Look like what? Like you're wasting my time?"

I quickly opened my mouth but then quickly closed it back shut. I knew this was a bad idea to come here. I shouldn't never come here.

She was never going to forgive me.

I mean it's been months. Usually when months go by, women just forget about whatever happen and move on.

"Kacey give him a chance."

Kacey looked back and I just looked up seeing Mrs. Martin coming down the stairs before shortly stopping. Kacey blew a breath of irritation.

"Mom please stay out of this and go upstairs," she begged.

"No. And last time I checked I was the parent and you were the child," Mrs. Martin said. Kacey rolled her eyes.

"Justin can you please excuse us for a second?" Mrs. Martin asked while coming down the stairs. I nodded. Mrs. Martin grabbed Kacey's arm and they left off into the house.

I was going to kill Chaz when I got home.

He was just trying to make me look bad. Kacey and I barely talk only when it has something to do with the twins, her doctor's appointment and her medication. And that's like once a month.

And we talk ONCE A MONTH.

So me doing this was unexpected but I really do needed to explain myself. I just wasn't ready and didn't know what I was going to say.

I felt like Chaz rushed me into this.

A couple of minutes later, I expected Kacey to come and so we can finally talk but Mrs. Martin showed up instead.

"I'm sorry Justin but Kacey still doesn't want to talk," Mrs. Martin said. My heart sunk in my stomach. Every time I get my hopes up, they come right back down.

"Hey. Don't be sad Justin. She'll come around eventually," Mrs. Martin reassured me. I appreciated her for trying to make me feel better but c'mon.

Kacey will never forgive me for this. If I kissed Hailey, maybe.

But I fucked her.

I broke the promise that I made to her. "Thanks Mrs. Martin but, I'll just leave her alone from now on. I don't think she ever wants to work this out. Can you tell her that I'm truly sorry and that I love her so much and that'll never change?"

Mrs. Martin nodded. "Yes, I'll deliver the message. But don't give up Justin. Not just yet," she said.

I just simply nodded and turned back around, heading to my car. I opened the door and hopped in. I cranked up the car and made my way home.


Once I made it to Chaz's house, I parked my car and killed the engine. I took the key out of the ignition and opened the door. I got out, shutting the door behind me and locking the door with the key fob.

I walked in the house and placed the keys on the island. I saw Chaz sitting in the living room, watching Jackass on T.V.

He obviously heard me come in and he turned around for a millisecond before turning back around to the television. "Well that was quick. How did it go?"

"It didn't go anywhere. She doesn't even want to talk to me and I just give up. I'm just going to let her be happy on my own and just stop pressing her. We'll talk when she's ready," I said.

"What?" Chaz asked. He got up from the couch and hopped over it, running towards me.

"Dude what are you talking about? You can't give up," he said.

"Oh yes I can. Face it. This was the all time low for me and probably my last straw. She couldn't even look at me without a disgusted look on her face. That lets me know she's still hurt and she still doesn't forgive me. I'm done," I said while moving him out of my way to go to my room.

I walked down the hall and he was following me. "Justin you're right. She's still hurt. But that's just it. She's hurt. I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you. She's just disappointed," Chaz said.

I walked into my room and turned around towards Chaz. I lightly laughed. People are so delusional.

"Yea right," I said and closed the door into his face.


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