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-Kacey's POV-

As I watched the days turned into nights, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. I watched as my stomach progressed more and more.

I was now four and a half months.

Justin and I only talk when I have a doctor's appointment. But he was still trying to talk about what happened in the last three months.

He can't seem to let me think about what I want.

I can't even lie though.

I miss him.

But every time I see him, I think of her also.

I still didn't tell my dad about what happened the day of the party. Fear of him saying 'I told you so.' I hate it when he's right.

I don't want him to be right in this one, not this time.

I also told my mom about what happened. One day she popped up unannounced at my house and saw Justin's things gone and she began to question me.

So I finally broke down and told her what he did to me. She was disappointed in him and all she could do was hold me and comfort me. Of course give me advice as well.

I remember what she told me.

'Good people do bad things. But it doesn't make them bad people.'

She wanted me to give him a chance to explain but what was there to say? I fucked her but I didn't try to?

Sounds like something Justin would say.

She also told me that she doesn't think that my dad would tell me that he told me so but I beg to differ. He loves being right. Also he has grown fond of Justin and if I tell him what happened, yea, Justin still wouldn't be alive.

And speaking of my mother, she was here. She an I was currently in my room, she was playing with my belly and we were watching t.v. Chrisley Knows Best to be exact. I was eating Dill Pickle Lays.

I heard my doorbell ring and I groaned.

"Do you have company coming over?" Mother asked me.

Looking at the time, it was 4:16. No. I wasn't expecting anyone. I heard one of my butlers opened the door.

I hired them back last month. I finally got myself together.

"No. I wasn't expecting anyone. Let me find out who it is?" I said.

I placed a nightgown over me since I wanted to lounge around only in my sports bra and panties. I also placed on my Fenty slippers that I received on my birthday.

I went downstairs expecting to find Cookie or Mel. Heck, even both. But I found none other that Justin. He was standing in the threshold. I walked downstairs towards the door. I folded my arms across my chest.

"Justin. What are you doing here?"

He doesn't stop by my house anymore after I learned how to drive from my brother so I wouldn't have to depend on Justin to take me to my appointments. Nor did I have to depend on people to drive me anywhere.

So what was he doing here?

I saw that my butler was still standing behind me and I told him that he could leave. I thanked him.

"Justin what are you doing here?" I repeated myself when he didn't answer.

"Uhm... uhh."

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