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-Justin's POV-

I went back inside after I tried to catch up with Kacey. I looked around me and my eyes meet up with Kareem. He had a hatred look in his eyes.

I couldn't blame him. I shook my hair.

What the fuck was I thinking?

"Hey, come and open your gifts. Everyone is waiting for you too," my mom said. I just looked at her, not in the mood for opening gifts. Not in the mood for this day period.

I just lost everything.

"Are you okay honey? You look upset?"

I sighed and mustered up the best fake smile that I could. "I'm fine."

"Well okay then. C'mon."

She walked me over to a table full of gifts and a chair. I sat down in it and she stood beside me, holding out the third gift for me today.

Happy birthday to me.


After a hour of opening gifts, that's when everybody decided to go home and some cleaned up.

A group of people went to take all of my gifts that I got tonight and took them to the Range Rover. I went into the back to go get the scrapbook that Hailey made for me.

I had to get all the courage that I could get to walk all the way back there. I felt my mind racing with flashbacks from the past hour.

I could still myself inside Hailey.

I could still feel me kissing her.

I could still feel my old feelings coming then quickly going after her and I had sex.

I wasn't in love with Hailey anymore. I was just lusting after her. And in that spare moment of lust, I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself.

"Justin?!" I heard Kareem say after he saw me and Hailey. I tried to shake away that moment but it was still etched into my memory. I finally saw the book laying open on the floor. I picked it up and closed it.

I looked against the wall. I saw Hailey and I fucking against it. It was like I saw myself from a third person point of view. I felt disgusted within myself.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the wallpaper of Kacey. The one she sent me off snapchat.

All I could was stare at her

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All I could was stare at her. At all her beauty. How could I do that to her?

After she told me she was pregnant?

With my kids?

Our babies.

How much of a fuck up am I? I went through my calls log and found her name in my phone.

Wifey 👸🏽💕😘

I debated on whether should I call her or not. Before I could back out, I went ahead and called her anyways. She didn't even pick up. Which I knew she wouldn't.

I tried it again and again. Hoping and wishing for her to just pick up. I needed to explain myself. And also I wanted to make sure that she was okay.

I didn't know where she was. I'm hoping and praying that she is somewhere safe.

I tried again and she still didn't pick up. I placed my phone back into my pocket. I went back to the front and everything was cleaned up and empty. I went towards one of the tables once I saw a black object on it.

It was my car keys.

I grabbed them and went outside. The parking lot was empty too as it should be. I unlocked my car and went inside. I closed the door behind me, putting the key into the ignition.

Wanting to give her some time to herself and time to myself, I just decided to drive around. I wanted time to think.

What was I going to say to her?

Was our engagement over?

Would she ever forgive me?

I should've took Khalil's advice. But I thought I knew what I was doing. I thought Hailey and I would only be friends.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

"You about to fuck yourself up." Khalil warned me over and over and I didn't listen.

"Look Justin. You need to cut Hailey off before you find yourself getting caught up."

Why am I always so fucking stubborn and don't listen? Khalil saw and predicted what was going to happen way before I even saw it.

I drove around some more until I got a text from Cookie.

'Do you know where Kacey is? I can't reach her cell and I haven't seen her since I saw her sitting down at the party and then she kind of disappeared.'

I sighed and replied back.

'I don't know. I'll try to get in contact with her though.'

I decided to go back home because a. I was tired and b. To see if Kacey was at home. I made my way to Oakland Drive. Going into the driveway, the gates closed behind me. Once inside, my mouth gaped open.

All of my cars were destroyed. Every window seemed to be smashed and dents from top to bottom. I parked. I took the key out of ignition and put them into my pocket.

I got out, forgetting to close the door behind me. I went over to the scene and went ballistic.

"What the fuck?!"

My cars was destroyed. They were key'd, stomped on, smashed, and so many other things. I've really pissed her off.

Kacey doesn't seem like the type to do anything this rational. I ran over to the front door and surprisingly it was unlocked. I was about to walk upstairs when I heard crunching and paper rumbling under my feet.

Looking down, I saw glass and photos of Kacey and I on the floor. Bending down, I grabbed one of the photos. I then grabbed the others. I need to buy a new frame.

I looked up and saw Kacey on the stairs. She was drenched in sweat and her hair looked wet kind of. She had tears running down her face and she had a cigarette in her hand.

"Baby. Look I know I fucked up but can you please put out the cigarette. That's not good for the babies and for your health. Can we please talk about it?"

"That's fine Justin. Let's talk about how you fucked her," she said, taking another drag and blowing it out.


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