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- Kacey's POV -

I drove up the driveway towards my house. Honestly I wasn't even upset over my encounter with Selena and Hailey. The encounter was laughable to me.

They wanted so bad to be in my spot.

The thought simply was hilarious.

"Ugh! Can we go back in there so I can drag both of them hoes?"

I continued laughing and shook my head at Mel's request. "Nope. Let's go shopping for my baby girl right quick and then go check on my wedding dress so I can go home to my husband," I told Mel. Mel huffed.

"Fine. Which one first?"

"Kahlani shopping first."

She nodded and we went out to go find Kahlani some more clothes. I mean yes she has some but not as much as the boys. I didn't want to leave her hanging. I also bought her some decorations for her room.

She didn't need to be sleeping with Josiah anymore.

After that, we meet up with Nathaniel. Yes my crazy friend slash stylist. I missed the little fucker so much. Walking down towards his boutique, Mel opened the door for me and I thanked her, stepping into the store. She walked in and the door closed behind us.

Nathaniel walked in, cheerful and extra as always. "Boo bear!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I laughed.

He still calls me that.

"Nathan!" I said just as extra as him. He came over and hugged me and I hugged him back. "How's It going mama? How's the kids?"

"Absolutely wonderful. You have to -"

I felt a burning sensation pass through my chest and I clutched it. I saw Mel giving me a concern look. "You okay?"

I nodded, faking a smile. "Yea. Just a little heartburn. But anyways Nathan you have to come and see the kids," I was honestly trying to get away from the little episode that I had. Thankfully it passed by quickly and wasn't nothing serious.

But that was really strange.

Nathan and Mel both didn't seem to buy it. They were still trying to see if I was okay. "I'm fine. Really I am. Now Nathan can I please see my wedding gown?" I asked him while walking in front of both of them.

"Yes. I will as soon as you sit down. Mel you go and get her some heartburn medicine out of my office which in all the way in the back and to your right."

I blew an exasperated breath from my nose and went to take a seat in front of the three full length mirrors with white drapes covering the top corners of the mirrors.

"Okay. I'll be back," Mel said.

"Also don't forget to get a bottle of water out of my fridge," Nathan said while going up the stairs. Mel was already about halfway to his office but I assumed she heard him.

While they were gone, I shot Justin a quick text telling him that I'll be home in 20 minutes or less.

Take all the time you need 😘. Besides me and Josiah are talking and we don't need you interrupting

I smirked. He honestly think the kids understand what he be saying but I just go along with it. Something is seriously wrong with my husband.

Fine Justin. Also when the others awakened. Give them their bottles. I'm sure that they'll wake up any second and that you know what to do 😬.

Yessss. 😩 now stop worrying and you take care of your business

I rolled my eyes. I can practically hear him over the text. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked back.

Mel was holding out to capsules and a mini bottle of water. I grabbed them, thanking her.

"Your welcome. Did he come back with the dress yet?"

I threw the capsules in my mouth and chased them with the water. Once I was finished, I screwed the cap back on and set the bottle down beside my foot.

"Nope. Not yet. I wonder what's taking him so long," I said.

"Probably critiquing it. Sooooo," Mel dragged out, raising her eyebrows at me.

I scrunched my face. "What?"

"So, nervous about your wedding day soon to be Mrs. Bieber?"

I laughed, getting a bubbly feeling at that name. "Of course but like in a good way. I just want everything to be absolutely perfect. I hope he likes the dress," I said.

"Like? He's going to love it. Why? Because you are in it and especially on you guys honeymoon," she stuck out her tongue and flicked her head.

"Ew Mel."

She smacked her lips. "What? Not like those babies fell from the sky."

I hit her arm. "Shut up. Of course they didn't but I don't want everyone in my business," I said while looking around the boutique. Only a handful of people were here.

And they were minding their business.

"Next week, December 8. You'll be officially Mrs. Bieber and I can finally wear that bridesmaids gown that is to die for. Lord when Kareem sees me in that he's going to -"

I quickly covered my ears and hummed over what she was about to say. I did not want to hear about her and my brother's sex life.

Mel grabbed my arm and tried to shove it down from on my ears. "Are you done being disgusting?" I asked her.

She shook her head and I rolled my eyes, reluctantly taking my hand from off my ears. "I do not want to hear about y'all doing the nasty," I shivered.

I can already picture the images. I closed my eyes and tried to shake them from being embedded in my brain. Mel laughed.

"You do it to."

"Yea but unlike you, I do not talk about it."

Mel rolled her eyes. "Okay darling, here is the gown," Nathan said, interrupting Mel and I's conversation. Thank God.

"Yes. Let's see it, let's see it, let's see it," Mel said as if she's a little girl waiting to see Santa Clause.

Nathan placed the gown that was wrapped in a bag onto a hanger. "Wait. Now before I show you this masterpiece, you have to love me ten times as much as you do now," Nathan beamed at me.

I laughed. "Well this better be good Nathan."

Nathan smacked his lips and flipped his invisible inches. "Oh it is darling." He stood beside the gown and placed his hand on the zipper. "I give you."



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