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-Justin's POV-

I heavily sighed once I was finished filing all of the papers Karoski wanted me to file. Placing them on his desk, I stretched a little. I walked back to my office and collected my things; keys, briefcase, jacket, and my laptop.

I walked towards the elevator down the hall. Pressing the down button, I waited for the doors to open. I grabbed my phone. I needed to let Kacey know that I was on my way home.

The doors finally opened up and I stepped on. I pressed the lobby button and the elevator doors closed.

Once making it down towards the lobby, I saw Khalil talking, more like flirting, to the receptionist. He saw me and placed his conversation on pause.


I groaned. All I wanted to do was go home. I've been here since six a.m. "What Khalil?"

"Well you don't got to sound like that. Anyways where are you going?"

On my way home love 😘.

I sent the message to Kacey. Khalil snapped his fingers at me and I rolled my eyes, placing my phone into my pocket. "I'm going -"

My phone rang and I got it back out. Thinking it was Kacey, I held the home button and saw who the message was from. It was from Hailey.

I opened it.

So no text back little boy? 🤔

I laughed a little. "Who the fuck is Hailey?" Khalil said over my shoulder. I jumped a little. I forgot he was even right there. "Don't fucking do that," I said, shoving him so he could give me my personal space back.

"Was that Hailey Baldwin? The girl that you was in love with in high school?"

I sighed, placing my phone back after I sent her a quick hey. "Yes, that was her."

Khalil raised his eyebrows at me. "What?"

"You about to fuck yourself up."

My phone rang again before I could speak and this time it was Kacey who texted me.

Hurry up. I miss you 😩

I smiled at her message. She was so adorable. "Mm, mm, mm," Khalil said. Looking up from my phone, I stale faced him. What does he got to say now?


"Look Justin. You need to cut Hailey off before you find yourself getting caught up."

Turning onto my heels, I began to walk out towards my car. I really don't have time for this. "I'm being honest. You can't do this to Kacey. I bet she doesn't even know about Hailey."

Licking my lips, I stopped in my tracks. It's not like me and Hailey are fucking around. We've just been hanging together. Chilling.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

"We are just friends."

Khalil laughed. "Yea. I heard that shit before. You don't have old feelings for old friends. I know you still kind of have feelings for Hailey. I just saw what happened when she texted you. You were smiling a school girl that has a crush."


"No Justin. You love Kacey. I know you do but I see those feelings for Hailey are resurfacing."

I finally made it to my car and unlocked it. Getting it, I placed my things into the passenger's seat. I put my keys into the ignition, cranking it up. "Look Khalil I gotta go," I told him while closing the door behind me.

"Just looking out for you," Khalil said while throwing his hands up.


I put the car into reversed and looked behind me, making sure no obstacles was in my way. Once I reversed safely out of the parking space, I placed the car in drive and speed off.


I parked my car and sighed, shutting off the engine. I got the keys out, grabbed my things and got out. I pressed locked on the key fob and climbed up the stairs up to the front door.

I unlocked it and once I was inside, placed my briefcase by the door and the keys on the table. I heard footsteps padding on the hardwood floors and I smiled. I placed the laptop onto the table too.

I felt Kacey jump into my arms and I caught her. "Hey baby," I greeted her. I gave her a quick peek and she giggled.

"I missed you so much," she said, dragging out the so.

"I missed you more."

She jumped out of my arms and instead grabbed it, leading me into the leaving room. "So how was your day?" She sat me down on the couch and took a seat besides me. I grabbed her waist and sat her down on my lap instead.

"Tiresome," I described.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Marcella. She was handing me a plate. "Marcella when did you get here?"

I grabbed the plate and my mouth watered. It was fried chicken, sweet potatoes, corn bread and sweet peas. I felt Kacey get off of my lap.

"She surprised me too but she just missed us is all," Kacey said. I placed the food onto my lap and instantly began to eat. I was starving.

Kacey and I were talking some more until she told me to go shower and change once I was finished eating. I smacked my lips. She laughed at me, grabbing my plate. She walked into the kitchen and threw the scraps into the trash and my plate into the sink.

"But baby I'm tired," I groaned out loud. I just did a thirteen hour shift. I was so glad I was off tomorrow. That was just because that was my birthday. I know Kacey is doing something big but honestly I just wanted to sleep.

"C'mon lazy butt. Let's go shower together then," she said, giving me a kiss. I returned the favor. She grabbed my hand and dragged me off of the couch, leading me to the stairs.

"Goodnight mama," Kacey yelled to Marcella while we were walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight you too lovebirds!" Marcella replied back. Kacey and I made it to our bedroom and she was cheesing really hard for some unknown reason but I shrugged it off. Not giving it a thought.


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