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-Ethan's POV-

Looking at my daughter's birth was one of the many things in my life that I viewed as beautiful. It was as if Carmen was giving birth to Kacey and Kareem all over again.

Those were and are the moments that I cherished most in life.

I was watching the video that Carmen made and put it onto a CD. I just repeatedly watched the video over and over again.

Gosh my grandkids were truly beautiful. I could already tell Jamir was going to be a sweet baby but when he gets older, I don't know. Josiah seemed like the devilish one. I hope Kacey will be able to handle them.

I could already envision them. They were going to be good men and good princes. They were going to be great leaders of this country one day.

I hope and pray to God that they didn't act like Justin before he settled down with my daughter. A player.

I'm glad he changed for her beside he didn't...

He wouldn't be alive right now. That's all I'm saying so don't look at me like that. Besides my grandsons didn't need to behave in such a manner. They needed to be ...



And Charming.

The way that the Martin men were. Even though there last names were Bieber. Kacey was thinking about putting Bieber-Martin to make me feel better. I told her that it was her decision and that to ask the twins when they get older.

She was being stubborn and told me that she'll get to the names later on.


My little love bug.

She reminds me so much of her mother when she was younger. Same big brown eyes and curly black hair. I could only imagining her acting like Kacey.




And sassy.

I couldn't wait until they were older.

Now since my grandkids are here, I feel my protective side coming out again. I mean it's always been here, it just left for a minute.

Kacey and Kareem were adults so they could take things on their own and do things on their own. I felt like they didn't need me in a protective way anymore even though I'll always protect them no matter what.

But now since Kahlani, Jamir, and Josiah are here, that protective sense has come back all over again.

When the time came for Kacey to push out Josiah, I kind of laughed. I just knew she was so nervous about the deliver and also angry at Justin. She told him she hated him and he got offended.

She still didn't tell him why she hated him but we all kind of got an idea of why she said that. She was in pain also so we just let her have her moment.

That was the highlight of my life. I have to show Justin and Kacey this CD.

I felt my chair leg go down a bit and I looked it. It was my wife of course. She snuggled into the chair a bit. "What you doing baby?"

I pointed to the screen. "Looking at Kacey's delivery." Carmen laughed and ran her hand up my arm, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I've always dreamed of that moment. Seeing my daughter giving birth to beautiful babies. I just never imagined her having it at the same time."

I laughed.

"She gets that from your side of the family Carmen."

Carmen shook her head from side to side in an 'eh' way. "Yea but it's rare for triplets. Only time that ever happened was with my great-great-great-great- grandmother," she said.

"Well not rare for her."

Carmen nodded. "Yeap. Nothing is ever rare for Kacey," I said.

Carmen and I continued watching Kacey's delivery until she gave birth to Kahlani. Thankfully someone was still recording because I shut my phone off, going over to look at Josiah and Jamir.

"Wow my grand baby looks just like Kacey when she was just a baby. They could've pulled off as being twins as well."

I grabbed Carmen's hand, intertwining our fingers together. "I know," I gave her hand a kiss. "But thankfully we didn't have twins. Kareem was enough,"I said, shivering at the distinct memories of Kareem when he was younger.

I mean yea he had his good moments but he was bad as hell. I'm glad he grew out of it.

"I vouch for that. Also sweetheart we have to get your suit for Kacey's wedding which is next week. I almost forget to tell you."

"Have you gotten your gown yet?"

Carmen nodded. "Yes. Also I have to call Kareem and tell him about his suit as well. Remind me tomorrow. I've tried to call him a few minutes ago but his head is lost in the clouds ever since he got with Mel," Carmen giggled a bit.

"Ah such young love."

I could only imagine. "I will."

"Okay. Now I'm about to go see if the chef finished the cake. I'll see you later love," she said while giving me a kiss. Carmen got off of my chair leg and begin to walk out of the room.

The video eventually ended and I got up, walking over to the DVD player. I pressed the eject button and carefully took out the CD, making sir my fingers only stayed on the edges.

If I touched the bottom of this CD ...

Lord have mercy.

I located the CD holder. I opened it up and slipped the CD in it. I turned over the CD Cover and saw the name I've written on it.

Babygirl's Delivery ❤️.

I went over into Carmen and I's closet, lightly tapping the CD cover against my palm. I opened the closet door and walked towards the back of the closet. I went into the drawer that held all of my kids memories. From birthday cards, old clothes, photos, etc.

I located the scrapbook that I made and bought it out, placing it onto the table.

I needed some tape.

I walked around the closet to see that the tape we've always left on the shelf was still there. I grabbed it and walked back over to the scrapbook. I taped down the sides of the CD cover so that it could stay in place.

I found the right center for it and once I was done, placed the tape down.

I looked at the dull page and decided to decorate it later.

And yes I did say decorate it.

I put the scrapbook and tape back where they belong and headed out of the closet, going on about my day.


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