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-Mel's POV-

Kacey's dress was truly to die for. It was one of the most beautiful gown that I've ever seen. And it was going to look even more beautiful once she puts it on.

"Nathan ... have I told you how much I loved you?" Kacey breathed out. She was slowing waking over to the gown, her arms outstretched to touch it.

"Only like a thousand times and don't touch it," Nathan said, pulling the gown from Kacey's grasp.

Kacey broke out from her little trance. She looked up and pouted at Nathan. "Hey!"

"Look I love you but you simply cannot touch this dress yet. I've worked entirely too hard on it for anyone to ruin it. You can look but don't touch," he said to her as if she was a child. I laughed.

"Fine. Ugh! I can't wait. I only have like a week left," Kacey said.

I felt my phone vibrate into my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that Cookie had texted me. Looking up before I answered the text, I made sure that Kacey was still looking talking to Nathan and looking at the gown.

I opened the message.

Marcella and Ursula just got the kids from Justin. Also Kareem, Chaz, Ryan, and the agents of PPP are now on their way to get Justin for the party. Also WHERE ARE YOU?! How long is this going to take 😩

I groaned. Here she was getting on my nerves.

Look she's still looking at the dress. 🙄 I'll tell you once we are almost there at the hotel so chill. Also is Justin on his way to Verdia right now? 👀

I pressed send and locked my phone so Kacey wouldn't see.

"I hope you didn't invite-"

My phone dinged again and I placed my thumb on the home button, unlocking it.

Yea. He's almost there. But anyways I'll see you soon.

I locked my phone again. That messages didn't need a reply.

"Quit being mean Nathan. Lady Ivana isn't as bad as you are making her out to be," Kacey laughed.

Nathan smacked his lips. "She's an old stuck up bitch who thinks she still 20 years younger. She even tried to say my spring collection wasn't even all that and that the only reason people bought it was because I had sponsors. Ugly bitch."

Kacey gasped and I stifled a laugh. I do remember that day like it was yesterday and it was hilarious.

"Don't laugh Mel," Kacey said, still with a look of disbelief.

I couldn't help it though. Lady Ivana was kind of a bitch. "I'm sorry your majesty," I said.

"Anyways love, you know I will be there even if my life depended on it. It's going to be the wedding of all weddings." Nathan zipped back up the gown and slugged it over his shoulders.

"Anyways I have somewhere to be sooo... EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BOUTIQUE! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" He screamed out to everyone.

The shoppers turned to look at him and he bucked his eyes at them. "I didn't stutter. Get out!"

I laughed again and Kacey hit me in the ribs. I grunted. "Ow!"

"That wasn't funny either. That was rude," she directed towards me. "Nathan you couldn't have said it in a better way?" She asked while placing a hand on her hip.

Nathan took a pause and turned his head to look at Kacey. "Nope. Now you two gotta go to."

I stuck my hands up in defense. "Ain't gotta tell me twice," I said. I grabbed my purse, shopping bags, and phone off of the couch. Kacey did the same as well.

"Ugh! Attitude."

"Yea whatever. See you later boo bear. Love you!" He yelled once we were almost out of the door.

"Yea. Yea love you more," Kacey said. We left the boutique, the door closing behind us. We walked back down towards the store we originally came from to their parking lots. Kacey unlocked the doors and the trunk.

We loaded the trunk with our shopping bags and closed it. I hopped into the passenger seat and Kacey hopped into the driver's side.

"Well, it was an fun slash eventful day but now let me get back to my little ones and -"

"Wait!" I said before Kacey could back out of the driveway. Kacey stopped and looked at me, eyebrows raised. "I need you to take me to Elena's right quick. It's an emergency. You have to see something," I tried to convince her.

Kacey sighed. "Now? Can't this wait until tomorrow?"

I frantically shook my head to show her how important this was. This plan can not go down into flames. Especially all the time and effort we put up into this. She got me bent. "Nope. We need to go now."

Kacey rubbed her forehead.

"Okay. I guess I can text Justin and to let him know that I'll be late coming home," she said.

"Nah. It'll be okay. Besides he probably is busy with the kids, he wouldn't notice you being late for like five minutes," I said. "Or two hours," I mumbled under my breath while texting Cookie that we were halfway there.

"What?" Kacey asked while backing out of the driveway.

"Nothing. Now drive girl."

Pulling up into Elena's parking lot, Kacey put the car in park and turned the car off, taking the key with her. "Let's make this quick."

I squealed. "This must be something good."

"Oh it is," I said.

We're here 😬

My stomach felt like it was going to burst from excitement. We entered the elaborate building and walked straight towards the receptionist. I gave her my name and she gave me the room key.

Once she saw Kacey, she showed her some respect and told her hey.

Hmm? I always wondered what it was like to be Queen on my own country.

Must be nice.

Getting off the elevator, I found the room 913. "Okay now before we get in here, you need to close your eyes."

Kacey rolled her eyes at me, obviously irritated.

"Close them!"


She finally cooperated and I made sure that they were fully close. They were. I placed the card into the slot and once it turned green, I turned the knob.

The door opened and I saw that the room was pitched black.

"Okay. Now come it," I told her. I grabbed her hand and helped her into the room.

"Now on the count of three. Open your eyes."




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