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- Kacey's POV -

Here I was again. Back in the damn hospital.

Apparently once I fell out, they shipped me back to Ćenàla. The doctors down in Hawaii didn't know what was wrong with me so they brought me back here. I just know not woken up that long ago.

During my duration of my slumber, Doctor Johnson ran numerous tests on me but I already know what's happening. I already kind of felt it in a way.

It's time for me to go.

Not that I want to leave because the simple fact of the matter is, I don't. I have a family and a country to serve. They need me.

Especially my kids and Justin.

I couldn't even begin to imagine their lives without me. I mean I know I'll be there but I won't be there.

This isn't fair. This wasn't how my life was supposed to turn out at all.

I was supposed to be with my loving family. My sweet babies Josiah, Jamir, and Kahlani. Raising them with the love of my life, Justin. We were supposed to watch them grow up as we grow old. We were supposed to grow old together.

I was supposed to be still ruling Ćenàla with my brother by my side as always. My right hand man. Also we were supposed to teach Kahlani, Josiah, and Jamir about Ćenàla. They are the princes and princess of this country and would soon rule it. They needed to know what to do, what not to do and what would be best for my country.

I was supposed to be happy.

Simply happy.

And I am.

But do to what happened 5 years ago, it ruined it all for me. Trevor ruined this all for me and I resent him for that. But he didn't ruin my life completely.

I mean he tried.

But it didn't work. And by the grace of God, I thank him for that. I am forever thankful for the many blessings in my life. From the littlest one to the big one.

Looking around the room, Doctor Johnson was currently in here now. We were both silent. He was trying to find the right words to say.

He honestly didn't even have to say anything though. I already know what was happening. I didn't expect for it to be this early. He told me I had five to six months. I didn't even expect for it to be this early.

I think the poisoning was taking its course faster than he expected it to do.

So I'm not mad at all at him. What happens, happens.

"How long?"

That's all I needed to know at this point. I don't want to know about treatments, consequences, or anything. I just wanted to know how long I have.

We've been down this road so long that I have become tired. There is no cure for what I have. I appreciate all the scientists, physicians, and everybody who has come to help me with this but ... it's too late for me.

Hopefully for the people who goes through what I went through (I hope not), they that will find a cure.

"You only have three weeks. We have put some medication in your system to slow down the process but that's the only thing that we could do," Doctor Johnson said. His head was lowered as he spoke to me as if he was disappointed.

"Why do you look so sad?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"I feel that I have failed you my Queen. The antidote should've been here by now. We have searched high and low but we don't know what we are missing exactly," he slumped his shoulders. Shaking my head, I looked outside the window.

"You did not failed me. You know these past years made me appreciate a lot of things that has happened in my life. For my kids, my husband, my family, everything. I hope I left a lot of impact on people's lives."

"You have. You are my favorite patient without a doubt my queen. I just wished we found a cure so you could continue to live your life," he said. All I could do was shrug.

"I hope you haven't told my family. I want to be the one that tells them," I said.

I couldn't exactly tell them everything that's happen because I didn't want to see them cry. But I will explain it one day.

"Speaking of your family. They are here. In the lobby right now," he said.

I kind of figured that even though I didn't want them to see me like this again. I want them to remember me as I was. Not here in this God forsaken hospital.

"Can you get them please? I need to say some things to them."

Nodding Doctor Johnson left the room, the door closing behind him. I felt my hands get clammy as I knew they were well on their way. I didn't know exactly what I was going to say.

But I knew the idea of how I was going to say it. I knew their will be crying and I wanted to assure them that everything's gonna be alright.

I heard the door squeaked open and sure enough they were crying. My mom, Cookie, and Mel were crying as of now. I know Justin was due to the bags under his eyes. He looked like he barely slept. My mom came in first then soon followed my dad, Mel, Cookie, Kareem, Chaz, Ryan, Khalil, Justin and my kids.

Everyone gave me a hug and I did as well, savoring in the moment.

My mom was sniffling and I shook my head. I couldn't bear to look at her. "Mom please stop crying. Everything is going to be alright," I said, giving her another hug. My dad squeezed my mother's shoulders in reassurance.

"What's wrong Kacey? What has happened in Hawaii? Do you remember anything?" Cookie asked me.

"I mean Justin has told us but we wanna hear it from you," Mel said. I whipped my head towards her once she spoken. She was currently sitting in Kareem's lap and he was holding her.

I sighed. Time to let them know.


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