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-Kacey's POV-

I really honestly was nervous about the entire photoshoot. All I knew was I was either going to be naked or partially naked throughout the entire shoot. I didn't want Justin to see me like that.

Now that I have stretch marks ...


I was quiet the whole time while Justin was going on and on about the twins. I was excited too but this photoshoot was taking most of my thoughts.

What if I looked fat?

What if the camera burst cause I was just that ugly?

What if Justin decides he doesn't want me anymore because of my weight gain?

I mentally groaned. So many what if's.

"So I was thinking. Can we name one of the twins Justin Jr.?"

I slowly turned from my view of the sky high buildings over to Justin. "What?" I asked. Justin pulled up into a stop light and he eased down on the breaks.

"You know. Justin Drew Bieber Jr.?"

I sighed. "Justin. We are not naming the twins Justin Jr. What the hell is wrong with you?" I laughed a little.

"Well I don't see you coming up with anything," he pouted while crossing his arms. I rubbed his cheek a little.

"Justin I already thought of the names and I was waiting to share them with you. Honestly if you name one Jr then the other has to be Sr. or Jr. Jr.," I said, confusing myself on what I just said.

Justin laughed. "Okay point taken Kacey."

Justin finally pulled up into the studios driveway and my stomach twisted up into a thousand knots. Justin turned off the engine and sighed, looking over at me.

"Ready baby?"

I gave the building a side eye. "I guess." Justin got out of the car and closed it behind him, walking over to my side. Justin opened the door and grabbed my hand, helping me out of the car.

"Thank you."

I smoothed down my dress before walking into the building. Once we were in, I already saw our photographers.

Yazir and Bennett.

They saw me and ran over to me giving me kisses. "The finest Queen of them all Ms. Kacey Christine Martin," Bennett said, his thick southern accent clearly evident.

"How are you sexy?"

I laughed. "Doing amazing. Me and my little men," I said while rubbing my stomach.

Bennett coo'd. "I just can't wait until you pop," he said. My eyes bucked. "No. no, not pop Bennett. You just scared me," I said. I was already worried about the photoshoot and now I have to worry about my delivery once I have the twins.

I heard the pain was going to be horrible. Now double that pain because I have two in my stomach. "I'm sorry sweetheart. Forgive me," he said.

"It's okay Bennett."

Yazir told me hello in Russian. "What did he say?" Justin whispered in my ear.

"Oh my apologies Justin. I was saying hello," Yazir said, his Russian accent just as thick as Bennett's.

"No problem man."

"Okay my lovelies. First scene of our shoot will be underwater so Kacey this is going to be by yourself for now and occasionally Justin will be in the scene. So let's get you both in clothing, hair, and makeup," Yazir said.

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