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-Kacey's POV-

"Your majesties," Agent Karoski said. "Please have a seat."

I saw some agents along with Justin in the room and I took a seat by him. He saw the frown on my face from earlier and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I gave him a small smile. "So Karoski. Why do you think that Doctor Luiz is embezzling the money?" Father asked him while holding out a glass that one of the agents were pouring water in.

"Because sir. We have a surveillance of him, Paul and Whitley handling the money and examining financial records." Karoski pulled up the surveillance video and indeed there was Paul who was CFO, Doctor Luiz, and Whitley who was an accountant, all in the bank room where the hospital's money were.

They were talking and whatnot until Paul and Whitley left the safe, leaving Doctor Luiz. After that, the video got kind of fuzzy and then went blank. But before it went blank, something caught my eye.

It was a shadow under the desk being brought out.

"Wait. Play that back?" I asked someone. The video was rewind and I told them to pause it. I got up from the chair. "Look. Someone else was in the room also with Doctor Luiz," I pointed on the projector so that everyone could see what I saw.

"Good eye little sis," Kareem said.

"Call a warrant for Doctor Luiz's arrest. We're one step closer to breaking this case," Karoski said to one of his agents. He looked back at me and smiled.

After a few more hours on the case, we've called a couple of people to vouch for us and looked through Doctor Luiz's phone calls and his emails. They've been from private people and blocked calls but we kind of got an idea of who the guy was since he had a star on his neck, which was ugly.

"Thank you Queen Kacey. We've been looking at this for two whole days and we haven't seen that. I'm glad we called you guys," he said after we were done. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"No problem. Glad I could help." I smiled. Karoski and everyone with the exception of Justin and I left. "You coming?" Kareem asked.

"Yea. Just give me a moment," I told him. Kareem nodded and left. I turned around towards Justin.

"Now that I partially solved the case. Can we have dinner tonight still?" I leaned back on the edge of the table. Justin walked over to me. "Kacey I wish but know we have to interrogate Doctor Luiz and see who was apart of the embezzlement. This case is not over."

"Oh my god," I huffed out loud and leaned my head back. Justin placed kisses on my neck and I huffed, pushing him off of me. "Can't he just call in someone else or something?" I begged Justin.

I really want one night with him alone with no interruptions and no work. "Sorry love. He can't."

Before I could say something, my phone vibrated yet again. Ugh! Why can't people just leave me alone? I grabbed my phone and looked down and saw that it was from Cookie and Mel.

'Where are you? Me and Cookie are at your house. You know what time it is 😉'

I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:24.

'🙈 don't remind me. I'll be there in a minute.'

"Time for what?" Justin asked me. "You know what, never mind, I don't want to know. I'll be home by ten," he kissed my forehead and left. I whimpered and Justin turned. "What's wrong?"

I ran over and jumped on him, luckily he caught me. I placed my lips on him and just kissed him. I miss him.

I know we see each other every day but not like how we used to. We only see each other in the mornings if we're lucky and at night. "Woah. What was that for?" He whispered to me after I detached our lips.

"Just a little preview for Friday night," I told him. I hopped off of him and straightened myself up. Before walking out, I felt my ass being slapped.

"Ow!" I gasped and looked behind me. "Justin!" He was walking down the hall but looked back at me and smirked. Then he winked at me.


I shook my head and started to make my way to the lobby. Once I was there, some people waved goodbye to me and curtsied me but I just waved and smiled.


We finally made it home and I went upstairs to my room where my crazy friends were. "It's about damn time. It's almost nine," Cookie said while getting off of my bed. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to sit me down.

"Well blame Kareem who wanted to make a stop and eat at Wendy's."

"Whatever. Look how do you work this thing. We have to watch some stuff so you can kind of know what to expect when you and Jay do y'all thing. But this is completely fake so don't get your hopes up and think that whatever these people do is actually real," Mel said to me. Not understanding what she was talking about I just dragged out an okay.

"Put on DVD." Cookie held the remote out to me and I put the input on DVD. Mel got up and went into her bag, she pulled out about ten DVD cases which were black so you couldn't decipher what the movies were.

She went to the DVD player and pressed the open button. She tapped her chin and looked at the many cases, trying to pick which one to watch first.

She randomly picked one and put in. She pressed the close button and turned slowly towards Cookie and I. "Let the fun begin ladies."

Once she sat down, a menu popped up with the movie reading Naughty Office. A woman leaned over a desk with a dïck in her püssy. (Excuse my French but I hang around Cookie and Mel too much) She had her hand on her ass as if she was lifting it up and she had a shocked expression on her face.

I quickly ran over to my bedroom door and locked it before anyway could find out this vulgar image on my T.V.

"What is this?! What are -."

"You are about to watch some porn my friend." Cookie grabbed me again and sat me back down. And that's when Mel pressed play.


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