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-Kacey's POV-

I applied the finishing touches of my makeup before looking at myself through the mirror one last time.

Cookie fluffed my hair and then looked into the mirror as well. "Wow. You clean up nice," she said. I gave a nervous laugh.

It has been months since I have been out with Justin and I had the whole zoo in my stomach. I felt the need to throw up. "Thanks. Hopefully dinner goes well tonight."

"You and I both kid," said Cookie. We walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I grabbed my jacket that was on my bed and slipped it on.

"Okay, I have my keys, purse, and .. what else? What else?" I mummer to myself.


"I know I'm forgetting something."


"Yea," I asked, turning towards Cookie.

"You might need this," she said with my phone outstretched to me. I sheepishly grabbed it, putting it into my purse. "Thank you."

"I'm going to pray for you," Cookie said while placing a hand over her heart. She's so melodramatic. I laughed.

"Please do."


I pulled up in the Geverdaè restaurant, my heart literally in my throat. I just looked outside my car's window and just stared at the building.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

Maybe I should cancel and just -.

I heard my phone ringing and I reached inside my purse. Grabbing it, I looked at the caller I.D. It was Kareem. I scoffed and went ahead to answer it.

"What?" I barked.

"Don't you dare back down now. I know you're already there. Get your ass out of the car Kacey," he said.

"How did -" I looked around at my surroundings. I didn't see him so how did he know what I was doing and what restaurant I was meeting Justin at.

"Don't worry about how I know. Just go!" He hung up.

'Ok,' I thought to myself. I took the key out of the ignition and placed the keys in my purse. I zipped my purse back up and opened the car door, swinging my feet over the seat.

Didn't need my lady parts plastered over the news just in case paparazzi were out tonight.

I got out of the car and looked the door behind me, then proceeded to close the door. Since I parked on the other side of the road away from the restaurant, I had to wait for traffic to slow down.

Luckily a nice young man saw me and stopped in his tracks, letting me get by. I gave him a wave in appreciation and hurriedly made my way across the street.

I walked inside the restaurant and was greeted by a hostess.

She instantly recognized me and bowed. "Queen Kacey, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said. I curtsied her, showing my respect as well. "It's a pleasure to be here."

She looked down at my stomach and I looked down as well. "I can't wait for our royal heirs to be here. Any clue on what you're going to have?" She asked me. I shook my head. "I won't know until 2 days," I told her.

"I can't wait. Also are you making any reservations?"

"I've already made reservations," I told her.

She looked through a book and nodded. "Yes of course with Sir Justin Bieber. Right this way," she said. I followed her to a area that was secluded from the restaurant. Going a little further, I saw Justin sitting there waiting for me.

My stomach instantly twisted into a thousand knots.

I don't think I was honestly ready for this. But it's too late to back out now.

I guess he heard us approaching cause he looked up. He got out of his seat when I was walking up. I had to admit, he looked absolutely gorgeous in his suit.

Well, he always looked gorgeous.

I saw him stare at me and those knots twisted deeper. I felt like I was going out on my very first date.


Well I kind of am but still. He wouldn't stop staring at me. I blushed like I was a schoolgirl who found out that her crush liked her back. Making it to the table, Justin pushed my chair out for me and I thanked him.

"No problem."

He went back over to his seat and sat down, pushing his chair up to the table. The hostess gave us a menu and told us she'll be back in ten minutes to take our order. Justin and I both thanked her.

Once she left, there was a silence between us. Not that it was weird but we just didn't know what to say to each other. I avoided eye contact with Justin at all cost. We opened our menus and began to look for what meal we wanted

"I'm surprised you actually asked me out to dinner," he had finally spoken up.

Looking up from the menu, I looked at him and shrugged. "It that wrong?"

"No... uhm," Justin coughed a bit. "No it's not. Honestly I'm glad you did," he said. I nodded.

Okay. Good start.

"So uhm, any news on the twins? Gender?"

"No. Not yet. Finding out on Saturday," I said. Justin nodded. I'll be glad when I find out so people would quit asking me.

The waiter finally came and asked what we wanted. I asked for Chicken and Gnocchi Soup with cheese toast and Justin ordered a well done steak with fries. The hostess took our orders and told us she'll be back in a minute.

Justin and I once again got into our little quiet mode. We both had a lot of things to say to each other. We just didn't know how to say it.

"So how's life?"


"Good. Just taking it a day at a time. You?" I asked.

"Do you want the honest to God truth?" He asked me. I licked my lips a bit, still avoiding eye contact with him.

"Babygirl can you please look at me?"

My breathing hitched when he said that. I haven't heard that in months and it triggered something in me. God I missed him.

Swallowing my pride (and nervousness), I finally looked at Justin. "I missed you. I miss you so much Kacey and I just want to come back home. I can't live another day without you and I know I fucked up -"


"Terribly," he continued. "And I wish I can take it all back. I miss everything Kacey. Waking up to you, I miss you searching for me in your sleep when you don't feel me next to you even when I always am, our showers together, I miss your smart ass mouth, I miss kissing you, holding you. I miss us," he confessed.

I did too.

I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat. I saw it in his eyes that he meant it too. He meant every word.

Man I could stare into his eyes all day. "I also cannot bear to be away from you in your pregnancy glow. Look at you sweetheart, you're so fucking beautiful," he said. I hid a blush that I felt forming with my hand.

"No. Smile for me. I haven't seen you smile in months."

Yea. Depression kind of hit me in those months and also with me taking my meds for the arsenic poisoning. Just so much.

"Justin. I -"

I felt my voice getting shaky so I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I missed you too. More than anything but I was so hurt by what you did. And I know realize that people make mistakes. I just need to know do you still love me?"


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