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- Kacey's POV -

So today is the day that my husband and I were going on a date but we were going at eight. It was currently three and I was doing some paperwork and also I was picking some last minute things for the house.

"Hey Kacey, you've been done here all day," Marcella said while leaning over my shoulders, looking at the laptop.

Not looking up from my typing, I just sighed and continued reading through my documents. "Yea but I'm not going to be here for long. Justin and I are going out on a date later on," I said. I couldn't wait for the two of us to be alone. And I can finally do what I've been waiting months for us to do.

"Okay honey. I hope you guys have a lovely date tonight."

I looked up at Marcella and gave her a smile. "Thanks ma," I said.

"So where are you guys going tonight?" She started to straighten up a bit in the kitchen. She grabbed a rag from the sink and proceeded to wipe off the counters.

"To Chímere La Flor," I beamed.

"Ooooo, fancy." Marcella walked back over to the table and began to wipe down the table and chairs.

"I made reservations two days ago and they finally called back and told me that they could squeeze me in. So Justin and I will go at nine instead of eight."

"Well as long as you go out and have a good time," Marcella said. She does have a point. "Well I'm finally finished."

She leaned forward to pick up a glass vase to put it back on the counter but she groaned in pain. I quickly got up from my chair. "Are you okay?"

She laughed and waved it off. "Mi hija. This old back of mines is no good as it used to be."

"C'mon Marcella. I'll take you to your room," I said. I grabbed the case from the floor and placed it on the table. I linked arms with her so that she could support her weight all on me.

I walked her down the hall and turned a left. Opening her bedroom door, I walked her towards her bed. "I can take it from here mi hija," she said.

"Haha, no," I said. I folded back the covers and helped her sit down, bending down with her just in case she fell or something. She lightly kicked off her shoes and swung her feet over the bed. I helped her under the covers and once she was settled it, I kissed her goodnight.

"Goodnight mama."

"Goodnight Kacey."

She gave me a kiss on the forehead and I then left out of the room. I went back into the kitchen, sat down on my chair and sighed. "Time to get finished with all this work," I mumbled to myself.

Fifteen more minutes into working, I stopped at 7:49. I saved all my documents, the website of the furniture that I was buying and sent emails to the place that I wanted to buy my furniture from.

Once I was finished, I jogged up to my bedroom and placed my laptop on my counter. I heard my phone ring and I squealed. I knew who it was. Right on time to tell me that he was on his way.

I grabbed my phone out of my bra and quickly answered it.

"Hey baby," I smiled.

"Hey love. Look Karoski won't let me come home yet. Even after I told him about our date tonight," Justin said. My smile turned into a straight face.

He lying. He has to be.

"Justin -"

"Look baby I know but I'm trying to come home to you. Really I am but he's so focused on finding the man who was working with Doctor Luiz. Me and him was interrogating him but he won't tell us so he wants me to stay and try to get information out of him," Justin explained to me.

I felt my blood pressure rising and my feet begin to tap. Does he not know how much this date means to me?

"Okay. I'll see you in a minute," I said while going into my closet to get my shoes. I heard shuffling in the phone. "Baby what are you talking about?"

I grabbed my coat, sunglasses and walked out of my room, making on my way to Kareem's room. "Don't worry about all that." I hung up the phone and busted my way in Kareem's room.

Got me completely messed up if Karoski thinks he can hold Justin and make him miss out on our date. Got the right one today.

Kareem was on his phone, smiling and grinning but once he saw me, he quickly told the person bye on the phone and hung up.

"What?" He asked in an agitated tone.

Ignoring him, I grabbed him by his chest, grabbed a handful of his shirt and made him get on his feet. "Aye man! What the fuck Kacey?" He started to straighten up his shirt.

I grabbed his shoes and threw it to him. He caught it. "Put on your shoes. Get your keys and let's go," I demanded.


"Take me to Princess Protection Program Headquaters right this instance," I said. Kareem sucked his teeth and looked at me up and down.

"What for?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Don't ask me no questions. Just do it," I said, waiting for him to put on his shoes. "Man nawl. I'm not taking you no where," he said. He threw his shoes down and sat back down on his bed. I laughed a bit and walked over to Kareem.

Grabbing him by his neck, I applied pressure on it. "Ow, ow, ow," he said.

"Kareem do not fuck with me. Take me right now!" I let him go and he begin to put his shoes on. Grabbing his keys, we walked downstairs and got into the car.

He cranked up the car and drove out of the driveway.


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