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-Kacey's POV-

Making it to the hospital, my nurse who I met when I found out that I was pregnant was already out waiting for me.

"There you are. Thought you weren't going to be able to make it," Taylor said while walking up to me.

"Just had a crazy morning is all. Sorry I'm late," I mumbled.

"It's okay. Just you and Justin follow me," she said. I looked back at Cookie and Mel. I actually wanted them to be in the room besides Justin and I. Feels weird seeing him after two weeks.

"Just go Kacey. It'll be fine," Cookie said. "Me and Mel will wait out here," Cookie said.

Before I could say anything, Mel turned me around and pushed me towards Taylor and Justin who were walking. "Love you," Cookie and Mel said.

Catching up with Taylor and Justin, Taylor led us to a small room. She opened the door for us and we walked it. I sat down on the bed and Justin sat down in one of the chairs.

"Make yourselves comfortable a bit while I get us prepared for your checkup," Taylor smiled at me.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem."

Taylor walked out and closed the door behind us. Sitting in silence, I could hear was the blood rushing in my ears. That's how quiet it was. I looked at everywhere and at anything but Justin.

I could feel his eyes on my though.

Feeling a knot in my stomach, I started to play with my fingers a bit. I wish I wasn't nervous but how can I not?

I haven't seen him in about two weeks since I found out what he did to me. Besides what was I supposed to say?

My stomach growled and I looked down. Really?

"You hungry?"

I looked over at Justin. When I did, I felt that empty feeling again so I quickly looked away. "Uhm, yea. I am," I said.

"Want me to go get something?"

"No, that's okay. I'll just get something when we leave," I said. He didn't say anything else after that. A few more minutes passed by and Taylor finally came in.

She has a stethoscope around her neck along with a file in her hand. "Sorry if I was long. It's so hard finding files in that room," she sighed.

"It's fine." My stomach growled again and I held it. "Stop it," I whispered.

Taylor laughed at me. "Woah."

I laughed. "I haven't eaten anything yet," I said.

"Well let's get to it before you starve yourself," Taylor said. She placed my files on the counter and she walked over to me.

"Can you place your wrist out for me?" She asked me. I placed my wrist out for her and she grabbed it.

She begin to feel my wrist and then after that she just stood there for a while, looking at her watch. She was checking my pulse and respiration. After two minutes of waiting, she finally wrote it down on my file.

Then she she listened to my heartbeat which I was nervous about. I hope I'm getting better in that department.

"Kacey, are you sure you're taking your medicine?"

I looked at Justin. I haven't. He's always there to tell me when to take it. "Yea. I have," I lied.

Taylor listened to my heartbeat again. "Maybe I'm just hearing things." Taylor took off the stethoscope and then placed it around her neck.

"Okay sweetheart, lay back and lift up your shirt," Taylor said.

I lifted up my shirt and laid back, the coolness of the plastic sent a shiver up my spine.

She did the same exact steps that she done when I did the sonogram. She placed the wand onto my stomach and moved it around until she found my twins.

I looked at the screen and aww'd. Then I felt hurt because of what I've done. I smoked at cigarette.

What was I thinking?

I hope they are okay.

I saw Justin get up from the chair and looked at the screen as well. His eyes lit up and I gave a small smile. "So when do we know what gender they are?" Justin asked her while looking at her.

"When she reaches 18-30 weeks, then we'll be able to tell what gender of the baby," Taylor told him.

Taylor put the wand up. She grabbed some napkins and wiped off my stomach. "You can put your shirt down now," she told me.

I held up my lower body and put my shirt down. Taylor begin writing in my files again and then she closed it.

"Okay. So I'm going to prescribe you some vitamins and what to eat, what's okay, and what not to eat. If you have any more questions just let me know," Taylor said.

"Can you calculate the due date?" Justin asked her.

"Well it seems you both had sex in late February.. Am I right?" Taylor asked us. She looked at the both of us and I blushed.

"Yes," Justin said while looking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Taylor. "So I'm guessing late November or early December," she said.

Yes. I hope they're Scorpios like me.

Taylor wrote down something and ripped off the paper, handing it to me. "I am prescribing you some VitaFusion prenatal vitamins and First Response vitamins. I recommend you buy them immediately and take them immediately. Also your next checkup is April 13."

Taylor gave me the paper and I looked down at it, nodding at the instructions she gave me.

"Also, your friend Cookie had a little accident so Mel had to take her home."

You have got to be kidding me.

"Don't worry Kacey. I'll take you home," Justin said. I swallowed the lump that I had in my throat. I was really hoping to avoid this.

"Thank you Taylor. See you next month," I told her.

"No problem. I can't wait to see your twins. I know they're going to be beautiful," Taylor told me.

"Thank you," Justin and I said together. Taylor laughed at us. "You guys are perfect for each other," Taylor said.


That's what everyone thought.


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