Fifty- Five.

394 33 2

-Justin's POV-

"I questioned that every time I thought about you and her. But now that's the past and I can't do anything about that." Kacey suddenly stopped, I put my head down. "You disappointed me in so many ways along with my family even though I didn't tell daddy," she said.

I'm glad she didn't. Kacey stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. I was getting nervous with each passing minute that she didn't talk.

"I forgive you Justin."

Looking up at her, I now saw the tears that threatened to fall. "I love you so much. I'm willing to try again if you will," she said, giving me a small smile.

I gave her one in return. Before I could say anything, the hostess came back with our food, setting it in front of us.

We thanked her and the hostess left. "Yes Kacey I'm willing to try." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. This woman truly was fucking amazing. I thank God for her everyday.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you more Kacey Christine Martin," I said.


The night ended good. More than good. It ended amazingly. I couldn't ask for an even perfect night. Kacey and I decided to take things slow.

I'm not moving back in the house due to us taking baby steps and I was perfectly okay with that. I paid for our meals and we headed outside the door.

"Soooo," she dragged out.

"Sooooo," I mimicked her. She laughed. We didn't say anything after that, just looked at each other. "I'm guessing you don't want this night to end," she said.

I shook my head and grabbed her hand. She blushed. "But hopefully we'll see each other tomorrow," she said. I poured. I wasn't. I had a ton of shit load of work tomorrow. I wasn't going to get off until late tomorrow night.

"I wish but I have work."

She smacked her lips. "Well that sucks," she said while rubbing her stomach. I laughed. She was so cute with her little round belly.

I couldn't wait for the twins to get here. "Oooo, their kicking," she said. As Kacey placed both hands on her stomach, she laughed in pure delight. I never wanted this moment to end.

"One of them is definitely going to be a fighter. See?" She said while grabbing my hand. She placed it on her stomach. Once I felt one of the twins kicking, I soon found out what she was laughing for.

I just knew we were going to have boy. "I hope I don't have a lot of stretch marks," she said while still holding my hands.

"Even if you do you'll still look beautiful," I said.

She scoffed. "Yea right. Anyways can I please go Justin? Me tired," she pouted. I flicked her lip and she hit me. "God! You're so childish," she said.

"Awww. Me sorry but it is getting pretty late and you also have to take your medicine," I told her. She groaned.

"Don't remind me," she uttered.

I pinched her cheeks a little. "C'mon," I said while opening her car door. While I opened it, I saw Kacey yawn a bit which made me yawn.

"Awww, you're tired," I said in a pouty voice. She lightly hit me and got in.


"I'm going to follow you so I can make sure you're safe when you make it home," I told her. Kacey nodded and closed the door behind her. I went over to where my car was parked when I had a call from Chaz.

I answered it.

"Seeming that you didn't come home yet, how was the date?" He asked me. I smiled.

"It went wonderful. We finally settled our differences and know Hailey is in the past," I told him while opening my car door. I got in and closed the door, putting the key into the ignition. I cranked up the car and placed my seatbelt on.

"My man. I told you it'll all work out for you. I just hope you don't fuck shit up again," Chaz said. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes through the phone.

I saw Kacey look behind her with her head poked out of the window and I gave her a thumbs up to tell her that I was ready. She nodded and began to drive out of the driveway. I followed.

"You just saying that so I can get out of your house," I told Chaz.

"And you are right! I need my own space back. I miss have bitches walking around my house naked but I can't do that because you still here," he complained. I smacked my lips.

"Boy shut up! It's not like I'm moving back with her. We are taking things slow," I informed him. I heard him groan and I laughed.


I made a turn behind Kacey and kept straight. "Well y'all need to speed this up shit."

"Chaz," I said.


"Go suck a dick," I said.

"Come here then," he said.

"You gay as fuck," I laughed. He makes me fucking sick.

"Shut up and I want the details of the date too. You know she probably said to take things slow because you once again have said some dumb shit," he said.

A while later, I pulled up behind Kacey in the driveway. She made a stop and then turned off her car. I simply just stopped and put the car in park. "Yea. I'll tell you. Bye ugly ass," I said and hung up the phone. I placed my phone in my pocket.

Getting out of my car, I ran over to Kacey before she got out to help her stand. She placed her hand on her stomach and then proceeded to stand up. "Thank you. The twins are killing me," she said.

I closed the door behind her. "No problem," I said. We walked the stairs up towards her door. We stood there for a second just looking out into the night.

"I'm glad you called and arranged all of this. I couldn't stand the thought of us having any more bad blood between us," I said.

"I'm glad I have as well even though tonight was kind of nerve wracking, it was overall very nice," she said. I smiled at her. "Well I'm glad you had a nice night. Maybe we can do this again sometimes?" I smirked at her. She giggled and looked down at her heels then looked back up at me.

"Of course we can Justin."

"Good. Well I'll see you later Kacey. Don't forget to take your medicine as well," I reminded her.

"Stop worrying. I'm going to take them. I promise," she said while opening the door. Once the front door was opened, she placed her keys into her purse. I took that as a cue for me to leave.

"Wait," she said.

Turning back, she walked over towards me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight Justin," she said and walked back into the house. I heard her uttered a 'I love you' before closing the door.

"I love you too."


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