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- Kacey's POV -

My mom, my friends and I were currently planning a surprise party for Justin.

We got all of the ideas and whatnot and since his favorite color is purple, that is what the color scheme was going to be. Since my mother is the Party Queen and can get almost everything done in a day, we were practically set for Justin's party.

We had the venue, the decorations, the party planners and all. I kissed my mom on the cheek and she gave me a hug. "Thank you so much. I wouldn't know what I would've done without you," I said.

"Yea mama Carmen. She honestly wouldn't know what to do," Cookie said while stuffing some Doritos in her mouth. I looked from left to right. Under the pillows, the coffee table.

"Kacey what are you looking for?" Mel asked.

"Trying to see where do she think she at. Coming in here like she stay here. Who told you to get some Doritos?" I asked Cookie while getting off of the floor.

I dusted myself off.


Eat a chip.


Eat a chip.

"And I," she finished while pointing to herself. I laughed and just let her eat. Kareem came downstairs and that's when Mel hitched and tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Oohhhh yeaa. Thought you was slick."

I got up from the couch and went to sit by Mel. "I know about you and my brother," I wrapped my arms around Mel.

Mel looked at me and then back at Kareem. She pointed her thumb to me to ask Kareem 'does she really know' and he nodded. He came into the living room and sat beside Mother.

"How did you find out?"

"Melinda Iyanna Jones. I know everything," I said while evily smirking at her. "But I don't know why you couldn't tell me. Don't worry I'm not going to kill you."


"Yet. But I'm happy for you and my brother," I said. I got up from seating next to her and went back on the couch next to Mother.

"Oh and Kareem. I have to tell you something," I smiled cheekily at him. Kareem had a sort of scared look in his eyes like I was going to harm him. I smack my lips at him.

"Boy come here," I said.

He looked at Mother, at me, then back at Mother. "Should I be frightened?"

Mother smacked Kareem upside his head and he did a silent cry. "Go talk to your sister. She has something very important to tell you," she said. Kareem sat up fast and pouted at Mother. "You didn't have to hit me."

We laughed and he walked over to the side of the couch that I was sitting on. He took a seat. I grabbed a pillow and placed my foot under my butt, placing the pillow onto my lap.

"Kareem how would you feel about having nieces and nephews?" I asked him.

The whole room had silence lingering in the air. Kareem was taken back by my question. "What do you mean?"

"I mean would you love to have nieces and nephews?" I reworded the question.

I bent down and grabbed my purse on the floor. I looked inside and grabbed my sonogram. I handed it to him and Kareem hesitantly grabbed it.

He looked at it and his eyes lit up. He gasped.

"You're going to be an uncle," I said.

Kareem looked up from the sonogram then looked at me and everyone else. "Are you forreal right now?"

By the tone of his voice, I got kind of scared and started to play with my thumbs. Did he not want my pregnant?

Is he disappointed in me?

I suddenly felt myself being tackled and rocked back and forth. "Yes! I'm finally going to be an uncle. I hope you have a boy and a girl," he said while looking back at the sonogram.

"I vote two boys," Cookie said while raising her hands. She still had the Doritos bag in her hand and was sucking the cheese off of her fingers. I cringed.

"I'm happy for you sis," he said to me.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me again. "Thank you Kareem," I whispered.

"Baby have you found out how you would tell Justin?" Mother said, interrupting me and Kareem's moment. I shook my head no and looked at the girls.

Mel winked at me. "Ohhh. I have the perfect surprise. You are going to love it Kace."

"So we have everything else and you guys have the pregnancy surprise for Justin," Mother repeated so she could know how far ahead we got. I nodded but yawn while I was at it too.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag to see what time it was. It was 2:13.


I needed a nap.

I also checked to see if Justin called or texted me, which he hasn't. I shrugged and put my phone away. "Well I am going to order the cake. Who's coming with me?" Mother asked. She went over to the front door, put on her flats, and grabbed her keys and purse.

Everyone got up and headed to the door, except for me. I headed towards the steps. "You guys go ahead. I'm tired and in desperate need of a nap."

I chucked up the dueces and headed upstairs. I went into my old room which was redecorated and slid off my shoes. I got under the covers and got comfortable.

Before I went to sleep, I decided to call Jazzy. I went into my contacts and pulled up her name. Once I found it, I pressed the call button and held the receiver up to my ear.

I crossed my arm and waited patiently for her to pick up. She picked up after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" Her perky voice sounded through the phone.

"Jazzy cakes!" I yelled.

"Kacey, hey. I missed you," she laughed.

"I missed you more. Anyways, you need to come here. You know you need to be here for your brothers cakeday."

"Of course. It's in five more days," she said.

"Well get to packing. I'm booking you guys a flight out here in two more days so get ready," I said.

She laughed again. "Okay. No problem. See you then. Love you," she said.

"Love you more. Bye Jazzy."


I removed the phone from my ear and pressed the end button. I placed my phone on the table beside me and snuggled up into the sheets, drifting off into a deep sleep.


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