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-Justin's POV-

Khalil, Chaz, Ryan and I were smoking what had to be our third or maybe fourth blunt when I heard Chaz's door being barged open. I turned my head to see who I expected it was going to be.


I currently had the blunt in my hand and I passed it to Khalil.

"Hey," I said.

Kareem simply just gave me a nod. "Where do you -"

"Y'all are going to talk in here," Khalil said while hitting the blunt. "We need to talk to you too Kareem," Chaz said. Kareem walked around the couch and then took a seat wedged in between me and Khalil.

Kareem sighed. "I'm not even going to be around the bush with you because I saw what happened the day of your birthday and after the fact that my sister told you that she was pregnant. I just want to know if you say you love her like you do, then why the fuck did you betray her like that? I would seem to understand if y'all had problems and y'all broken up or whatever but after she told you she was pregnant dude? Like really?"

I swallowed the lump that I had in my throat. I didn't have an explanation for what happened. It just happened. These two weeks have been hell and I always question that day.

"Justin what happened that day?" Chaz asked me.

Ryan passed me the blunt. I took it, silently thanking him. I guessed he sensed that I needed it because I really did.

I took a hit.

"Well. Hailey -"

"So that's the slut's name?" Kareem interrupted me.

"Kareem don't call her that."

"I call her whatever the fuck I want. And I'll explain why I called her that. She saw your engagement ring and you can't defend her on that because you were it all the time. And you still have it on," Kareem pointed down to my ring.

I looked down and then looked back up at him. "Yea so spare me the bullshit," he said while leaning back. He grabbed the blunt from Khalil and took a couple of hits.

"Anyways. Hailey wanted to spend with me on my birthday so I texted her the name of the building. A little while later, I met her through the back of the building. That's when she gave me a birthday present-"

"The scrapbook?" Ryan asked me.

I nodded. "Then that's when I looked through it. At the end it said I liked you too but now I love you."

"Eww," Kareem interrupted again.

"Can I please finish then you can criticize?" I asked him. I know he's pissed at me but he was being ridiculous right now.

"Proceed," he said. Kareem crossed his legs, giving me his undivided attention.

"So that's when she asked could we try us and I was about to tell her about Kacey but I just couldn't. I just couldn't. I didn't want to lose her as a friend."

I put my head down. I should've did what my gut told me to do. But nah. I never listen to it.

Now I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me.

My wife.

"So, I kissed her. And.." I cleared my throat. I was so disgusted with myself. "I was about to stop right there when she begin to feel all over me. I was telling her to stop before anybody sees. She started to pull my pants down and that's when we ... y'know."

I didn't even want to go any further than that.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"I don't know. I just didn't want to hurt her feelings," I said. I placed my forehead into the palms of my hands. "I just wasn't thinking."

Kareem tsk'd.

"You were thinking but not about my sister. I can honestly say Justin, you don't give a fuck about my sister at all."

Okay. Now I was pissed off. Of course I care about his sister. I love that woman. He can't define my love for her over one stupid mistake.

"Kareem don't say no dumb shit like that to me. I love your sister whether you know it or not."

Kareem shook his head and got up from the couch. "You a pussy ass nigga," he said while walking away. I got up from my seat.

"The fuck did you just say?"

"You heard me. Loud and clear. You a pussy ass nigga. A man wouldn't even think about another woman other than his woman. He couldn't even think about loving another woman but in your case, a slut. My sister deserves way better than your sorry ass."

I was getting so heated by what he said. I guess Khalil and Chaz sensed that I was about to do something stupid because they suddenly grabbed me. Kareem turned around.

"Nah, let em go. So I can rock his ass."

"You think I enjoyed fucking Hailey?! No! I was caught up in the moment. I fucked up! .. let me go -" I said while jerking in Chaz and Khalil's.

"Justin calm down."

"I love Kacey. But I fucked up! I'm only human. I miss her. I miss my baby girl. You can't say I don't love her! You can't! Cause if I didn't I wouldn't propose to her," I explained.

Kareem just looked at me, not saying a word.

"I love your sister. It was just that, I felt that I still had feelings for Hailey." I laughed when I said that.

"Well thought that I still had feelings for her." That so called feeling was actually lust. I don't know why I always mistaken love for lust.

I still learning that lesson.

But I do know one thing.

I love Kacey.

And our kids.

"I know I hurt her. I know that. But all I want is another chance. To fix this mistake that I caused," I said.

If I get that one wish, I'll be a better man this time.

"Well, speak to her on that. But after what you did, I don't think I could forgive you on this one," Kareem said.

He begin to walk towards the door, leaving me with my thoughts. Ryan and Chaz finally let me free. "I don't think she'll ever forgive me either."


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