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-Kacey's POV-

As time went by with the trip, I've enjoyed myself. My kids and my husband has been a joy the entire time we've been here. Even though sometimes I would sneak text Kareem about some stuff about Ćenàla.

Justin caught me twice. He even took my phone for a day, fearing that I would text Kareem.

The activities that we did were beyond exciting. Especially Justin and I's activities. We made love practically every night when we were here.


Well when the kids were asleep and we also had to be very quiet as well.

Anyways, back on subject. We went deep sea diving but only Justin and I. My kids were not going that damn far in the water. Also we went swimming with some dolphins. They were so adorable. Jamir was scared which was surprising, he act like he's the baddest boy out here.

Luckily he got over his silly little fear after taking an hour to convince him that the dolphin was perfectly harmless. They even rode the dolphin which name was Toby.

Justin also has been giving the kids more guitar lessons. They were actually progressing well with it. I've also given Kahlani piano lesson twice when she caught me downstairs playing the piano downstairs.

I haven't played in a while and I actually miss it.

The food and entertainment here was even greater. Especially the entertainment. There was so many acts, even on the beaches and streets.

One time when Kahlani and I were walking, we were on a girl's shopping spree. We saw a man doing a dangerous act that involved fire. He played with it, juggling it, spun it around on his fingers and so much more. In the end, he even at it. Kahlani's eyes widened.

She was amazed and yet scared, but overall amazed. We were here for a week and had only one more week left. Today was the day that Justin, the kids and I played laser tag.

Looking it my phone, it was 2:18.

We had to be there at three since I made reservations for it to be at three. I placed Josiah on his sandals and told him to go play while Justin gets finished dressing.

More like doing his hair.

I'm so glad for my afro. Even on my worst day, I still look good.

Then power of the 'fro.

I got the first sign of that weird chest feeling that I got and I ran towards my bag, trying to find the pills that Doctor Johnson has given me. I pulled out anything that I was in my way so I could hurriedly locate my medicine.

I found them way in the bottom in the corner and I took them out. I ran into mines and Justin's room. Thank God for that mini bar. I grabbed a tiny bottle of water and uncapped it. I dumped the contents of the medicine onto top of the mini bar.

"Mommy what's that?" Josiah asked, standing on his toes a bit to see what I was doing.

"Nothing baby. Uhm... go back and play with you brother and sister," I encouraged him. He shrugged and went off to play. The pain in my chest tightened a bit and I clutched my chest.

I grabbed the bottle that he prescribed me for the chest pains and uncapped it, pouring out two capsules as the directions said. I put the capsules in my mouth and chased it down with water.

I put the top back on and placed the pills on the dresser, pushing it far back so the kids wouldn't get a hold to it. I sat down and laid back on the bed. Hopefully the pain would subside before Justin came out.


And it did. A little while later Justin came out and he was finally ready to go. The limo was already out waiting for us so once Justin placed his shoes on, we were out.

Arriving to the laser tag place, Josiah was practically jumping all over the place. It was hard for me to calm him down until Justin gave him the look.

"So how many is in your party?"

"Five," Justin said.

The lady at the register punched in some numbers and she told Justin how much he owed for the party. He took out a couple of bills to pay for it and got his change back.

The lady then begin giving us out vests due to our height and weight and then proceeded to give us the rules to the game.

"It will be dark a little but due to the strobe lights you can still kind of see. Also there's lots a places to run but it's somewhat like a maze as well so be careful to not bump into anyone. But overall have fun."

We nodded as we strapped the kids and I's vests on.

"Do as soon as you guys are ready, you each grab a laser gun and get to work. Ready?" She asked us.

I finished the last of Kahlani's strap, making sure it was secured.

"Okay. Now is everybody ready this time?" She asked, arms outstretched in an exaggerated way. We laughed.

"Yes. We rweady!" Josiah shouted.

"Okay. On your marks..."

Each of us went over to the walls of laser guns, ready to leap into action.

"Get set...."



We each grabbed a laser gun and ran into the maze. There were other people in the maze too, already into battle. Each man was for themselves.

I could see the strobe light messing up my vision since my sight had to adjust from light to darkness. The strobe lights bounced off of people's skins as if they literally flowed.

I took a shot at anybody, not caring who I hit just as long as I win.

I heard my kids laughter and I tried to shot at Jamir's vest but he was much to fast. After my third attempt at him and failing, I moved on to my next victim.

Soon after fifteen minutes of us playing, there was only four people I took out of the game and I was damn proud of myself. But my victory was short lived.

For one, my chest got that achy pain again.

For two, I remembered my kids screaming 'mommy' before I passed out.


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