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- Justin's POV -

Surely there she was in bed reading. As soon as I walked through the door, she looked up at me and removed her reading glasses which looked so damn good on her.

"Where you been?" She asked while folding her arms across her chest.

I laughed in my head. I knew she was going to ask me that. I removed my jacket and my shoes before I answered her. "I've been at work. Had some paperwork I had to finish before we leave tomorrow."

I went into the dressers and found some basketball shorts and boxers. No need for a shirt. "Well you could have called or anything. I was worried," she said. Kacey placed the book down beside her on the nightstand. I closed the dresser drawers and walked over towards her.

Giving her a kiss, I pouted at her. "I'm sorry love. It won't happen again. I'll call or text you the next time that I'll be late coming home from work," I half lied. Well she didn't need to know about the album yet and sometimes I do come home from work late sooo ....

It's not a lie but yet it's not a truth either.

"Good. Now hurry up to bed. We have to be at the jet at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning," she said.

"Okay your majesty," I curtsied.

Kacey gave me a smug smile. "Haha. Very funny Bieber."

I walked into the bathroom and placed my clothes on the counter. I went towards the shower and turned it on, getting the water to the right temperature. I shredded off all of my clothes and placed them into the dirty hamper.

I climbed in the shower and begin to clean myself.

Once I was finished, I lotioned myself and placed on my clothes. Cocoa butter really is a blessing to people.

I turned off the lights and walked into the bedroom. Kacey had already fallen asleep. I could tell she read some more because she fell asleep with the book in her hands and her glasses on her face.

I walked over to her side of the bed. I grabbed the book out of her embrace and marked her place. If I didn't, she would kill me. I carefully removed her glasses from her face. She stifled a bit in her sleep but not enough to wake her. I placed the glasses next to her book and turned off the lamp.


The next morning, I felt a light feathered pressure being rubbed across my nose and it was annoying. I swatted whatever it was away from my nose.

I felt it again and this time I woke up.

It was my little munchkin Kahlani.

"Daddy mommy said it's time to wake up," she said smiling at me with a feather in her hand. I shook my head. My kids always have a different approach of waking me up sometimes.

"Is that so? What time is it baby?" 

Kahlani shrugged her shoulders and hopped off of the bed. "Don't know. Mommy also said hurry up and eat so we can catch the flying machine," she said. I got out of bed and scooped Kahlani up into my arms.

"Well let's go shall we?"

I walked down the stairs and there was Jamir and Josiah sitting down already eating. Kahlani soon joined her brothers. "Morning dad," Josiah said.

"Hey dad. I finally got that riff right on that guitar. Can I show you?" Jamir asked. I could see the sparkle in his eyes as he would always talk about music. All of my kids loves music.

I have to take them to the studio one day. No questions asked. "After we are all finished getting ready Jamir," Kacey said. Jamir smile dropped off his face." Hey baby," Kacey came over and she gave me a hug. Once we were in an embrace and Jamir was looking, I mouthed to him that he could show me once we were finished with breakfast.

He smiled at me and nodded.

"Well you are not exempt. You hurry and eat your breakfast as well I go and get there outfits ready." She gave me a kiss and hurried upstairs towards their bedroom.

"Dad can we bring the guitars?" Josiah asked. Biting a piece of my bacon off, I looked up as if my answer would fall out of the sky.

I hummed. "Hmmmm, I don't kn-"

"Pleaseeee! We'll take extra good care of them," Josiah said.

"We won't mess them up daddy," Kahlani said, she begin to use her puppy dogs' eyes. She only uses them when she really wants something. And that's rare because her and her brothers always get what they want.

"Yeaaa," Jamir whined.

Looking at all three of them, I leaned in as if someone was listening in on our conversations. "Okay fine. We will take them but only bring them out if we are practicing and if I'm in the room. Those guitars are still brand new and you know how I don't like waisting my money," I glared at them.

They all nodded.

"Good. Now let's finish eating."

Soon enough after a few bites of our food, we cleaned up and soon got ready for our trip. After getting dressed and having our driver's pick us up, we carried all of our luggage downstairs and into the car.

After grabbing the last piece of luggage, I told Kacey and the kids to come downstairs.

She nodded and went upstairs. I rearranged the luggage to where it was best fit and closed the trunk. Finally, the kids and Kacey came downstairs. "Come on. Did y'all get all of your toys that you wanted to bring?" Kacey asked her. 

"Yes mommy," Kahlani said, holding up Princess Layla. Jamir and Josiah held up their book bags which held toy trucks, figurines and remote helicopters. Kacey gave them a thumbs up.

They climbed into the limo. Kacey grabbed her phone and begin to type. "What you doing?" I asked her while she was climbing into the limo, I followed.

"Texting my mother that if any duties she need help with that she can-"

I grabbed the phone out of her hand. Her mouth gaped open. "That she can call Kareem. I want you all to myself soooo. Now," I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes sir."

I climbed into the limo and closed the door behind me. "Ready?" I asked my family.

"Yessss!" They all yelled in unison.

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