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-Kacey's POV-

I ran up the stairs to my parents house. I opened the door, accidentally slamming it. I didn't mean to but what my grandmother said to me actually kind of hurt.

What does she mean by if she had grandkids, they would be in my race?

I'm mixed so....

"Kacey is that you?" My mother asked.

"Yea, it's me," I replied back. My mother peeped her head out of the kitchen. I walked down and went into the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart," she said me. She came over and we greeted each other with kisses.

"Hey Ma. Here's the tips," I said, holding out the bag. She clapped her hands. "Yes. Let me go give them to the cooks," she grabbed the bag out of my hand. She went to the way back of the kitchen where we have multiply cooks cook at just incase for events like this.

I waited a couple of seconds until she finally came out. "Ma can we talk for a minute?" I asked her, fiddling with my hands a bit.

"Kacey what's wrong?" She asked me.

I heavily sighed. I grabbed her hand and took her into the living room, sitting her down. I sat down right next to her.

"Ma on daddy's side, why doesn't he talk about his parents?" I asked her. Mother's eyes widen a bit and got shifty. She couldn't look me in the eyes. She fidgeted a bit in her seat.


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Kacey," she started. She grabbed my hands. "Baby, your father doesn't talk about or to his parents because of what has happened in the past."

"What has happened in the past?"

My mother bit her lip and looked up at the ceiling. "Kacey, when your father and I were dating, it was kind of strange in a way. I mean we did couple things. We hung out, went on dates, kissed and all that good stuff. He even meet my parents and my mom and dad liked him. They approved of our relationship which I knew they were."

"He meet my parents after three months of us dating because I really couldn't date. My mother didn't care and she knew I was dating but my dad didn't want me to date so that's why I waited three months for him to meet my parents."

Typical dad behavior.

"So after my parents and him meet. I was thinking that I should meet his parents as well. But another month went by and I still haven't meet him and I was getting angry. I felt that he was ashamed of me and I was about to end things with him."

Kind of glad they didn't or otherwise I wouldn't be here.

"So he was having a ball and he invited me. I was about to go. Hell I was excited to go but then insecurities got to the best of me. Ball. A lot of women. I was thinking that he was going to fall in love with one of those girls and forget about me. So I changed me mind. But my mother talked me into going and she even dressed me," mother laughed.

Does that mean she dressed her ugly? Cause if she did I hope she haven't went to the ball.

"She did a good job. The gown was absolutely beautiful. So a little while later, I was at the ball. And as I predicted, there was thousands of beautiful women at the event. My insecurities came back again. Then Ethan stopped and saw me. The night started amazing. We danced and then we went to have some alone time. We went to a gazebo and we talked until I bought up the subject about meeting his parents again."

"I asked him again but he still had an excuse but then someone told me that his parents saw me and wanted to meet me. I was happy. I was finally getting what I wanted. So we were walking about to go to his father's study until Ethan told me that no matter what his parents told me, he would always love me. I was confused but nevertheless we went up and I finally meet them. They asked me questions until everything went south. I found out that his parents were racists," my mother finished. 

My head spun at the last thing she said. Racists? So that's why. My dad was trying to protect me by making my family stay away from his parents.

"Once they even tried to kill Kareem when I was pregnant. They never have nor will approve of Ethan and I's marriage. They have always hated and resented me. But Kacey where is this coming from?"

I leaned back into my seat. "I meet daddy's mother at the grocery store. Twice actually. When dad and I ran into her and I meet her again a few minutes ago. I confronted her and asked her was she truly daddy's mother and she said yes. And she asked was I his mistress and I said no. I'm his daughter and your granddaughter. She had a resentful attitude against me. Then she said I don't have any grandkids and if I do, it wouldn't be within your race."

I had a gut wrenching feeling when I thought about how she said it. She kind of made me feel disgusted, like I was nothing.

My mother laughed. "She's just made because she doesn't have any melanin and she's old and wrinkly," my mother said. I gasped and then lightly hit my mother, laughing at what she said.

"What? I'm being honest. She needs to get over it. I'm with Ethan and will always be. This is 2016. Slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and all will never happen again. This generation is not playing when it comes down to that racists mess. She needs to get over herself and quick. I feel sorry for her," Ma said.

I honestly do too. I just can't believe she said that to her own granddaughter though. My mother looked at the clock and saw that it was one.

"Honey do not worry about her. Now go home and I'll call you once everything is finished."

I got up and she did as well. I waved her goodbye and left.

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