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-Justin's POV-

My baby boys. The balloons were all over the place and I looked inside the boxes. Inside them were sonograms of them. I picked one of them up, examining the picture.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Mr

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I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Mr. Martin. My attention averted towards him. "Congratulations son," he said while coming in for a hug.

I hugged him back.

"Thank you Mr. Martin."

I looked down at the picture once again. My boys.

"I honestly thought you guys would have girls but luckily you got two boys," he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"I would be happy either way Mr. Martin," I said truthfully. But honestly I'll be scared to have girls. They are so difficult to understand ...

And expensive.

"Well I can not wait to meet my grand boys. I can't wait to see what sports they're going to play, what kind of men they'll become. I can't wait to experience it all," Mr. Martin said, his eyes lighting up.

I could only imagine the same thing. "Well, I have to go find Carmen. Once again, congratulations."

"Thank you," I semi yelled due to him walking away before I could properly thank him again.

Chaz, Khalil and Ryan soon surrounded me. They began to ruffle my hair and playfully punch me. "How's it feel to be a dad?" Khalil ask me.

"Amazing," I said. Chaz grabbed the sonogram and smiled. "I can't believe it. The asshole finally settles down," he pouted.

"Oh ha ha," I sarcastically laughed. I snatched the sonogram out of his hand and looked at it once more, getting a giddy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It felt like the time when Kacey first told me that she was pregnant. I couldn't be any more happier.

"So what are you going to name them?" Ryan asked me. I shrugged. I haven't really put in any thoughts of the names.

"Kacey and I have to talk about due to you know but hopefully we'll get into it," I said.

She only have three months left so we have to get to it. Like as soon as possible.

I saw my mother running up to me and I meet her embrace. She gave me multiple kisses. "Uh, I'm so happy for you Justin. I honestly wanted a granddaughter but I can't question God's work. My little men are going to be so handsome," she gleamed.

"It all runs in the blood baby," my dad said while running his fingers through his hair. My mom hit him in the stomach.

"Oh hush Jeremy," she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just speaking facts honey," he said. I laughed. Now everyone sees where I get my confidence from. I heard Chaz, Khalil, and Ryan laugh behind me.

"I can teach y'all boys a thing or two on swag," my dad said. I lowered my head and shook it. We don't even say swag anymore. What year does he think it is?


"Jeremy those boys don't want to learn anything from you," my mom groaned.

"Pattie you're just a hater."

My mom groaned.

"Anyways now I need to buy some boy clothes and shoes and toys and -"

"Mom. It's okay. You already bought something to the party anyways," I reminded her. 5 huge bags to be exact.

"Okay and?" She asked while placing her hands on her hips. I put my hand up in mock surrender.

"Better not tell your mom what to do Bizzle before you get a whooping," Chaz joked.

I smacked my lips. "Boy I am grown."

"And?" My mom and Chaz said together. I jumped. So this is how we gon act?

"Dang! Look, I'm about to go. Y'all are killing my vibe right now," I pouted.

More people came up to congratulate me. Friends and family. Some I haven't seen in a while came and I thanked them for coming. It meant a lot for me and Kacey.

"Do you like my surprise?"

Turning around, I saw Kacey. I walked over to her and embraced her. "More than like babygirl. I love it. Thank you so much for my blessings," I told her. She gave me a kiss and hug me once more.

"I should be thanking you. I just can't wait to see our baby boys. Which reminds me Justin. We have a photoshoot to attend," she said.

My mouth gaped open but I quickly closed it. I almost forgot about the maternity photoshoot.

"Yes. Just let me tell my mom and them that I'll meet them back home," I told her. She nodded and went off in search of my parents.

I found them by the food table and I quickly rushed over to them. "Hey. Kacey and I are about to go to our photoshoot so I'll see you guys at home later on."

"Alright honey. Love you. Tell me how it goes," my mom said, giving me a kiss goodbye.

"Have fun son."

I waved them goodbye and jogged over to Kacey. "Ready to go?" She smiled.

"Let's go love."

I took her hand and we walked outside. Going towards my brand new car that I bought, I smiled at it. It was a cherry red Ferrari convertible.

"So you bought a new car?" Kacey raised her eyebrows at me.

"Of course. I was tired of riding around in that Range Rover and I wouldn't have to buy anymore if someone wouldn't have to go Jazmine Sullivan on me," I said while opening the car door for her.

"I wouldn't had to if you learned how to keep your dick in your pants," she said and got into the car.

I couldn't even say anything because she was right. Point taken. I closed the door behind her and jogged over to the driver's side. Getting in, I cranked up the car and told Kacey to put her seatbelt on.

She moaned.

"But it irritates me."

"So. Put it on Kacey."

She smacked her lips. "Whatever you say baby daddy."

Once she placed it on, I put the car in drive and sped off into the highway.


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