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- Kacey's POV -

We made it to the headquaters and I got out, telling Kareem that he can go.  "Gladly," he said and speed off into traffic. I entered the building and went straight to interrogation.

"Uhm Queen-"

I held up my hand to everybody who told me I couldn't be there or that Justin was busy. I continued walking until I saw the sign that said Interrogation.

I saw Karoski and Justin still talking while I was walking down towards the door. Justin saw me and his eyes widen. Before I could go in, Justin was up and already at the door coming out.

"Kacey what -"

I held my hand up and put it on his face, shoving him out of the way. "Move."

I walked in and removed my glasses. "Queen Kacey. What are you doing here this time of night?" Karoski asked me, looking at his watch to check the time.

"Shut up."

I don't mean to be rude but they were pissing me off. Every time I want to spend some time to myself or with Justin, duties come in the way and I'm so tired of it. Nothing was going to ruin my night. Nothing!

"Hey. Doctor Luiz," I said while managing to put a smile on my face.

"Your majesty," he said while bowing. More like nodded his head. I tossed my glasses on the table and walked over to Doctor Luiz. I began walking my fingers up his arm, over his shoulders and back down his arm.

"Mr. Luiz," I said. He just eyed me, fidgeting in his chair a bit.

"Tibi unum minutis ad me , qui in hoc multum in peculatum vel -" (You have one minute to tell me who was in on this embezzlement deal or -)

"Aut quid?" (Or what?) Luiz challenged me.

Was he testing me? I laughed and walked behind him. He was really pissing me off. I grabbed his neck and slammed his face into the metal table. He grunted.

"Ya sea que me diga o que va a ser segundos de morir. Tu elección," I said. (Either you tell me or you're going to be seconds away from dying. Your choice) I began applying pressure onto his carotid arteries in his neck. He started to grunt in pain.

"Kacey," Justin said. I put my hands up, signaling him to shut up.

"El tiempo no se detiene," I said in a singsong voice. (Time is ticking)

"De acuerdo, de acuerdo," he said. He jerked a bit in frustration. "Tell Karoski the name or I'll be back," I instructed him. I grabbed my sunglasses and pointed to Justin.

"Bring it," I said through clenched teeth. I never had to behave that way but the way my life is set up right now, I just needed to let off some steam.

"Told you to let me go," Justin said to Karoski.

Justin followed me down to the parking lot and to his car. I went to the passenger's side and leaned on the door, waiting for Justin to open it.

Once I heard a click, I grabbed the handle, yanked it opened and got in. "Damn bae, you didn't-"

"Just shut up and drive so we can make it to the reservations," I rolled my eyes. Justin stopped, turned towards me and smirked. "Yes ma'am."

He think this is funny but it really isn't. Finally making it home, I grabbed his hand and lead him up to the bedroom. Once there, I went into the closet and grabbed his suit that I bought and handed it to him.

"Hurry and go shower," I told him. He quickly gave me a kiss. Justin placed his suit on the bed and went into the shower. I sighed. I hope we make it.

I looked at the time. 8:07.

Okay. The time wasn't so bad. I went looking for my dress that I bought earlier in the week and my heels. I had way too many clothes.

Going through hell and back, I finally found my dress in like five minutes and my shoes were just right there so that wasn't a hassle to find. Justin was out by the time I was finished finding my clothes so I quickly hopped in.

While in the shower, I heard Justin blow drying his hair and I gawked. Did he really have to wash his hair? It was fine the way it was.

I just ignored it and finished washing up. Once finished, I grabbed a towel and wrapped in around my body. I ran into the room, grabbed my cocoa butter and placed it on the bed.

I patted myself dry and then put on the lotion and deodorant. I looked at the time yet again. 8:25.

I placed on my bra and panties, grabbed a robe and then went into the bathroom again. I grabbed my curlers, makeup kit and my toothbrush.

First I brushed my teeth, then I did my hair and finally my makeup. That took at least thirty minutes. "Baby I know you want to make it to dinner and I know you don't want to be late," Justin said.

"I know. I know. I'm almost done," I told him while applying my mascara. He really needs to hush because I need to concentrate. Once I was finished I placed on the finishing powder and looked at the time. 8:48.

"Shoot," I said to myself. I quickly ran over to my clothes and placed on my shoes first.

"You about to strip for daddy?" Justin smiled at me once I stood up from putting on my shoes. I made a kissy face at him.

"Awww, you're cute."

I placed on my dress. I grabbed my bottle of Chanel 05, spritz some in the air, and walked through it.

"Okay honey. I'm ready," I said while walking over to him. He grasped my hand and before walking out, he spun me around. I giggled at him action.

He kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.

"You look beautiful baby."

"Thanks love. Now let's go and enjoy our night," I said while walking in front of him.


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Guarding Hearts | •J.B•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora